Department of

Mr. W. A. Chaturanga J. Wengappuliarachchi

B.Sc.(Phy.Sp.)Hons. (GPA- 3.84/4.00 First Class Honours)


Department of Physics

Condensed matter Physics and Solid state chemistry

Nano-science & Nanotechnology,Advanced bio-materials,Thin films,Dye sensitised solar cells,Space food technology,Animal behavior and environmental physiology

1.Neo Space Srilankan Fab-Lab, The Open University of Srilanka
Department of Physics
Research Assistant of Dr.G.D.Illeperuma, June 2022 -Nov 2022

2.National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Srilanka
Premier multidisciplinary research institute
Volunteer Researcher, January – June 2022

3.The Open University of Srilanka, Kandy Regional Centre
Department of Physics
Undergraduate Researcher, Nov 2021- June 2022

4.The Open University of Srilanka, Kandy Regional Centre
Department of Physics, Department of Chemistry
Student Young Mentor, Jan 2019- Dec 2021

5.The Open University of Srilanka
Department of Physics
Resource Person, April 2019
7 Days Practical Workshop for GCE Advanced Level Students organized by the spectrum society,
department of physics.

Advanced research project-“PVA/(2-Propanol) based bee-honey (core) and povidone-iodine (sheath) coaxial electrospun beads on string nanofibrous scaffold for controlled drug release. 
Other Research Experiences
-CO2 gas sensitivity of sputtered CuO thin films
-Social behavior of macaca sinica at ‘Dunumadalwa’ rainforest
-Biodiversity and Ecology of aquatic ecosystem(Stagnant and flowing water) in ‘Ravan oya’ stream
-Air pollution due to Norochchole power plant using NASA data bases for NASA Space Apps Challenge
-Interuniversity Space Quiz SEDS SL(Viva on a novel research about phosphorus recycling for mars colonisation)
-SEDS OUSL NuFora ’21 Space Nutrition(Research idea based on algal space food)


    *International Open University Research Sessions 2022 (iOURS 2022)
    Abstract and Extended abstract 
    Paper ID: 152
    W.A.C.J. Wengappuliarachchi, C.A. Thotawatthage, M.A.K.L. Dissanayake, G.K.R. Senadeera
    Paper title: PVA/ (2-Propanol) based bee honey (core) and povidone-iodine (Sheath) coaxial electrospun
    beads on string nanofibrous scaffold for controlled drug release.
    “PVA/ (2-Propanol) based bee honey (core) and povidone-iodine (Sheath) coaxial electrospun beads on
    string nanofibrous scaffold for controlled drug release”
    International Open University Research Sessions 2022 (iOURS 2022)- Nov 2022
    “PVA/ (2-Propanol) based bee honey (core) and povidone-iodine (Sheath) coaxial electrospun beads on
    string nanofibrous scaffold for controlled drug release”
    Undergraduate thesis defense (Oral presentation) at The Open University of Srilanka, June 2022


D.B.Ellepola gold medal (Top of the batch-Cumulative GPA 3.84/4.00)

Emeritus Prof.E.M.Jayasinghe memorial gold medal (Physics GPA 3.92/4.00)

Faculty of natural science in physics

Dean’s List Award (Level 6) – Open University of Srilanka Jan 2020
(For the overall performance in academic year (2021/2022) with a GPA of 4.00)

Dean’s List Award (Level 5) – Open University of Srilanka Nov 2021
(For the overall performance in academic year (2019/2020) with a GPA of 3.96)

Dean’s List Award (Level 4) – Open University of Srilanka Jan 2020
(For the overall performance in academic year (2018/2019) with a GPA of 3.71)

Spectrum Award for Excellence in Practical Physics – Open University of Srilanka Nov 2021
Spectrum Award for Excellence in Nuclear and Particle Physics – Open University of Srilanka Nov 2021

NASA International Space Apps Challenge-Galactic Problem Solver
NASA Space Apps Challenge Colombo-Observe Category Top 3 Nominee -Team OUWings

Solidstate physics-Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics 


University bursary (Level 6) Open University of Srilanka
Mahapola Higher Education (Merit) Scholarship offered by Srilankan government 2019

Member-American Physical Society
PM Prospective member-American Association of Physics Teachers
Student member-IPSL-Institute for physicists in Srilanka
Member-Space generation advisory council
Member-IOAS-Institute of astronomy
Member-IEEE-Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Member and Media Team-Space exploration and development for students (SEDS)