Department of

Mr. P. G. P. Kumara

Lecturer (Temporary) BSc Honours in Mathematics (University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka), MSc in Industrial Mathematics, Reading (PGIS, Peradeniya)

Temporary Lecturer

Department of Mathematics
Complex Analysis, Riemann Integration, Real Analysis

PEU4301 – Real Analysis
PEU5300 – Riemann Integration
PEU5304 – Introduction to Complex Analysis

Timetable Scheduling Using MATLAB and Graph Theory Techniques : Volume 13, Issue 7, July 2022 Edition – International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) publication

• P.G.P. Kumara, N.P.W.B.V.K. Senanayake; The Concept of Convex Function on Topological Manifold : Young Scientists’ Conference on Multidisciplinary Research (YSCMR) 2022, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka.

Awards, Scholarships