Department of

Professor R. Senthilnithy

B.Sc(Jaffna); M.Phil(Jaffna); Ph.D (Colombo); SEDA(UK); F.I.Chem.C.; Chartered Chemist

Professor in Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry

I joined the Open University of Sri Lanka as a Senior Lecturer in Chemistry (January 2015) and was appointed Head of the Department of Chemistry (January 2018 to date). I was promoted to Associate Professor in Chemistry in 2016 and then to Professor in Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry in 2021. I am a Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry and a Charted Chemist. I received many research grants, predominantly from faculty research grants from the OUSL and competitive grants from the OUSL, NSF, and AHEAD DOR. I have participated in many scientific and administrative programs at the national and international levels.  I have collaborated in research and supervision for undergraduate and postgraduate students at many Sri Lankan universities.  My primary research work involved computational chemistry and photochemical sensors. I am interested in publishing several scientific papers in international refereed journals and have presented several conference papers at international and national conferences.

Inorganic Chemistry
Computational Chemistry
Photo Chemistry

Development of Fluorescence Sensors, QM/MM Calculation and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
  • Head, Department of Chemistry Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka, (January 2018 to date)
  • Senior Lecturer in Chemistry Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka, (January 2015 to date)
  • Head, Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka (March 2011 to December 2014)
  • Coordinator for Chemistry, Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, (January 2008 to Feb 2011)
  • Senior Lecturer in Chemistry, Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, (July 2006 to December 2014)
  • Lecturer Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, (January 2000 to June 2006)


Academic Administration
01–01–2018 to date Head of the Department / Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka.
  Appointed as coordinator for the Accelerating Higher education Expansion And Development (AHEAD) Project. The Open University of Sri Lanka.

(Development Oriented Research Grant. Project number DOR_28)

15th December 2009 to 30th September 2010 Chief Information Officer/Coordinator, University Higher Education Management Systems (UHEMIS), South Eastern University of Sri Lanka to Ministry of Higher Education (IRQUE Project)
1st January 2013  to  31-12-2014 Quality and Innovation Grant Activity Coordinator in Faculty of Applied Sciences – HETC Project, South-Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
2013 Served as a Reviewer in Higher Education for Twenty-first Century (HETC) Project of Round 2 of Windows 1 & 2 Individual Proposal Evaluation of the proposals submitted by various universities.
2015 Served as a reviewer of the Institutional Reviews of ATIs. Quality Assurance and Strengthening Alternate Higher Education Sector, Higher Education for Twenty-first Century (HETC) Project.
19 – 03 – 2011  to 31 – 12 – 2014 Head of the Department / Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
January 2001 to December 2001 Coordinator for Chemistry Unit / Department of Physical Sciences / Faculty of Applied Sciences / South-Eastern University of Sri Lanka
1st January 2008 to 14thJuly 2011
1st January 2013 to 31st December 2013  Academic Career Guidance Advisor for Career Guidance Unit, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
3rd January 2011 to 2ndJanuary 2012 Academic Advisor (Counselor), Faculty of Applied Sciences / South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
1st September 2009 to 31stDecember 2010 Chief (Senior) Student Counselor, Faculty of Applied Sciences / South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.


2nd January 2012 to 31stDecember 2012 Student Counselor Faculty of Applied Sciences / South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.


1st January 2014 to 31st December 2014
1st July 2012 to 30th June 2016 Council Member of Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon/College of Chemical Sciences. Out of these four years, three years served as Secretary for the Council.
23rd November 2011 to 22nd November 2014 Member of Council, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.


From 2011 to date Chief Examiner for marking answer scripts in chemistry for the G.C.E. (Advanced Level) examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka (both new Syllabus and old Syllabus)
2015 Served as a chief Examiner for marking answer scripts in Science for Technology for the G.C.E. (Advanced Level) Examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka.
2015 Served as a member of the Board of Editors of the Advanced Level Science for Technology – Chemistry Part I.
2014 Served as a member of the Board of Editors of the following textbooks published by the Educational Publication Department of the Ministry of Education

Science Grade 10 Part I (New Syllabus) Book I  – 12 Chapters

Science Grade 10 Part II (New Syllabus) Book II – 08 Chapters

2009 Served as a Reviewer and Final Evaluator of the following textbooks published by the Educational Publication Department of the Ministry of Education.

Science Grade 9 Part I  and Science Grade 9 Part II

  Served as a foreign examiner for the Ph. D thesis submitted at Bharathidasan University, India.
  Served as an examiner for the M.Sc Dissertations submitted to the University of Colombo.
2015 – 2016 Served as a visiting lecturer to the South Eastern University of Sri Lanka for the special degree courses.
2015 Served as Editor of the Tamil version of Vidurava Science Magazine, published by the National Science Foundation.
  Reviewer for the abstracts submitted for the annual sessions of the SLAAS E-2 section.

Reviewer for the abstracts submitted for the College of Chemical Sciences (IChemC) annual sessions.

Programme Coordination:
B.Sc Degree Programme

Course Coordination:
● CYU3300 (Basic Principles of Chemistry I – Tamil Medium)
● CYU3201 (Basic Principles of Chemistry II – Tamil Medium)
● CYU6600 (Advanced Concepts in Chemistry)

Course Delivery: (DS)
● CYU3300, CYU3201, CYU3302, CYE3200 and CYU4300

Face to Face Lecture delivering for the B.Sc. Special Degree Programme :
● CYU6600 (Advanced Coordination Chemistry and Group Theory)
● CYU6301 (Inorganic Reaction Mechanism),
● CYU6304 (ESR Spectroscopy and Mossbauer Spectroscopy),
● CYU5614 (General and Advanced Thermodynamics)

  • Development of Fluorescence Sensors in organized media
  • QM/MM Calculation and Molecular Dynamics Simulation on the inhibition studies of cancer drugs.
  • Exploring novel inhibitors for SARS-CoV-2 using Sri Lankan Flora Database: An in-silico
  • Exploring novel inhibitors for inhibiting the DNA-Methylation using Sri Lankan Flora Database: An in-silico
  • Interaction of Hydroxamic acid derivatives with Histone Deacetylase like protein and DNA: Manipulation of genetic damages at an epigenetic level – A hybrid quantum-classical approach (QM/MM) in cancer research.
  • Computational studies on the inhibition of epigenetic modifications of cancer codes.
  • Fluorescence spectroscopic and molecular docking evidence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs binds to DNA.
  • Development of fluorescence and colorimetric dual sensing immobilized portable molecular probe for spot analysis of selective trace metal ions in an analytical system.
  • Biological activity of N–aryl hydroxamic acid derivatives.
  • A study on agricultural runoff and improper waste disposal degrades the quality of stagnant water bodies in the South Eastern Region of Sri Lanka.

1. R. Dushanan, S. Weerasinghe, D. P. Dissanayake, R. Senthilnithy (2022) Driving the new generation histone deacetylase inhibitors in cancer therapy; manipulation of the histone abbreviation at the epigenetic level: An in-silico approach. Canadian Journal of Chemistry (Onlie published).

2. R. Dushanan, S. Weerasinghe, D. P. Dissanayake, R. Senthilnithy (2022) Implication of Ab Initio, QM/MM, and Molecular Dynamics Calculations on the Prediction of the Therapeutic Potential of Some Selected HDAC Inhibitors. Molecular Simulation (Online published).

3. G.C. Wickramasinghe, V.P.S. Perera, R. Senthilnithy and C.N. Nupearachchi, (2022), Comparison of ZnO nano particles synthesized using sodium hydroxide and triethylamine for photovoltaic applications, Sri Lankan Journal of Physics, Vol. 23 (1) (2022) 26 – 35 26.

4. Vidujith A.V.A., Jayasinghe C.D., Costa M.D.P. De., and Senthilnithy R, Photodynamic Therapy: An Overview and Insights into a Prospective Mainstream Anticancer Therapy, Journal of Turkish Chemical Society, 2022; 9(3): 821-848.

5. I. B. K. Thomas, K. A. P. Gaminda, C. D. Jayasinghe, D. T. Abeysinghe and R. Senthilnithy, (2021), DNAzymes, Novel Therapeutic Agents in Cancer Therapy: A Review of Concepts to Applications, Journal of Nucleic Acids, Volume 2021, Article ID 9365081,

6. Priyani Paligaspe, Samantha Weerasinghe, Dhammike P. Dissanayake & Rajendram Senthilnithy, (2021), Impact of Cd(II) on the stability of human uracil DNA glycosylase enzyme; an implication of molecular dynamics trajectories on stability analysis,

7. R. Dushanan, S. Weerasinghe, D. P. Dissanayake and R. Senthilnithy, (2021), An In-Silico Approach to Evaluate the Inhibitory Potency of Selected Hydroxamic Acid Derivatives on Zinc-Dependent Histone Deacetylase Enzyme, J. Comput. Biophys. Chem. 2021, 20 (6), 603–618.

8. Mohamed Abdul Cader Mohamed Haniffa, Khadija Munawar, Ching Yern Chee, Sumit Pramanik, Ahmed Halilu, Hazlee Azil Illias, Muhammad Rizwan, Rajendram Senthilnithy, Kariyawasam Ranaweerage Ranjith Mahanama, Ashis Tripathy, Mohd Fahmi Azman, (2021), Cellulose supported magnetic nanohybrids: Synthesis, physicomagnetic properties and biomedical applications-A review, Carbohydrate Polymers 267: 118136.

9. Priyani Paligaspe, Samantha Weerasinghe, D.P. Dissanayake, R. Senthilnithy, (2021), Identify the effect of As(III) on the structural stability of monomeric PKM2 and its carcinogenicity: A molecular dynamics and QM/MM based approach, Journal of Molecular Structure 1235: 130257.

10. Ramachandren Dushanan, Samantha Weerasinghe, Dhammike P., Dissanayake & Rajendram Senthilinithy (2020), Cracking a cancer code histone deacetylation in epigenetic: the implication from molecular dynamics simulations on efficacy assessment of histone deacetylase inhibitors, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, (2020), DOI:10.1080/07391102.2020.1838328.

11. Thanippuli Arachchi D. H., Wijesekera, G. I. P., Costa M. D. P. De, Senthilnithy R., Amino and chloro derivatives of 1,10-phenanthroline as turn-off fluorescence sensors for selective and sensitive detection of Fe(II), Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A. Chemistry, 402, (2020), 112805.

12. Senthilnithy R.; Weerasinghe S. and Dissanayake D.P., Interaction of caffeine dimers with water molecules, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, (2014), 1028, 60-64.

13. Dissanayake D.P. and Senthilnithy R., Thermodynamic cycle for the calculation of ab-initio pKa values for Hydroxamic Acids, Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem, (2009), 910, 93-98.

14. Senthilnithy R., Gunawardhana H. D. and Costa M. D. P. De, Fluorescence quenching and bonding properties of some hydroxamic acid derivatives by Fe(III) and Mn(II), The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence: Luminescence, (2009), 24(4), 203-208.

15. Senthilnithy R., Weerasinghe S. and Dissanayake D.P., Stability of hydroxamate ions in aqueous medium, Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem, (2008), 851, 109–114.

16. Dissanayake D.P., Senthilnithy R. and Weerasinghe S., Quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics study on the stability of hydroxamate anion-water clusters, Ceylon Journal of Science, (2008), 14, 53-66.

17. Senthilnithy R., Gunawardhana H. D. and Costa M. D. P. De, The pKa values of ligands and stability constants of the complexes of Fe(III), Cu(II) and Ni(II) with some hydroxamic acids: A comparative study of three different potentiometric methods, J. Natn. Sci. Foundation Sri Lanka, (2008), 36(3), 191-198.

18. Senthilnithy R., Gunawardhana H. D., Costa M. D. P. De and Dissanayake D. P.,  Absolute pKa determination for N-phenylbenzohydroxamic acid derivatives, Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem, (2006), 761, 21-26.

19. Senthilnithy R., Gunawardhana H. D. and Costa M. D. P. De, In-situ determination of copper(II) and cobalt(II) using adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry with hydroxamic acid modified carbon paste electrode, J. Natn. Sci. Foundation Sri Lanka, (2006), 34(4), 189-194

1)    Dushanan, R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilnithy, R. (2021). In-silico investigation to predict the potential of HDAC inhibitors to inhibit the HDLP enzyme: A molecular dynamics study. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Science 2021, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Proceedings, p. 22 .

2)    Paligaspe, P., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilnithy, R. (2021). Molecular dynamics study on the effect of As(III) ion on human uracil DNA glycosylase enzyme. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Science 2021, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Proceedings, p. 31.

3)    Parthiban, G., Dushanan, R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilnithy, R. (2021). Investigation of the Impact of HDAC Inhibitors on Human HDAC Enzyme: An In-Silico Approach. Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Proceedings, p. 502.

4)    Dushanan, R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilnithy, R. (2021). Comparative Study of MM-PBSA and LIE Binding Free Energy on Selected HDLP-Inhibitor Complexes. Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Proceedings, p. 487.

5)    Dushanan, R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilnithy, R. (2021). Insights from computational approach to predict the inhibitory efficacy of the HDAC inhibitor on HDLP enzyme. 14th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka, Proceedings, p. 4.

6)    Dushanan, R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilnithy, R. (2021). Petchicine, a novel human DNMT enzyme inhibitor isolated from Sri Lankan medicinal plant: An in-silico approach. International Conference on Applied and Pure Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, Proceedings, p. 34.

7)    Mawela, M. V. T., Kodithuwakku, W. K. D. P. S., De Costa, M. D., & Senthilnithy, R. (2021), The Substituent Effect on The Variation of Photophysical Properties of 1,10-Phenanthroline In The Analysis of Fe(II), Open University Research Session, The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Sri Lanka, Proceedings, p.145.

8)    Dushanan, R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilnithy, R. (2021). In-silico studies on the inhibition of DNA methyltransferase enzyme using (19r)-epimisiline: a compound isolated from Sri Lankan medicinal plant. 7th International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Traditional Medicine, University of Colombo, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka, Proceedings, p. 18.

9)    Paligaspe, G. M. P. R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilnithy, R. (2020). Identification of the most favorable binding site of PKM2 enzyme for As(III): QM/MM and MD studies. Proceedings of the Open University Research Sessions, OURS2020. 119.

10)  Thanippuli, A. D. H., Costa, M. D. P. De., & Senthilnithy, R. (2020). Effect of pH on the fluorescence quenching of 5-chloro-1, 10 phenanthroline by Fe(II). Proceedings of the Open University Research Sessions, OURS. 121.

11)  Wickramasinghe, G. C., Perera, V. P. S., & Senthilnithy, R. (2020). Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured P-type cuprous oxide using Benedict’s solution. Proceedings of the Open University Research Sessions, OURS. 126.

12)  Dushanan, R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilinithy, R. (2020). Inhibition of Histone Deacetylase Like Protein: Insights from computational studies. Proceedings of Annual Research Congress, PGIS RESCON. 189.

13)  Dushanan, R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilinithy, R. (2020). Effect of HDAC inhibitors on the stability of HDLP enzyme: An in-silico approach. Proceedings of 13th International Research Conference, KDUIRC. 4.

14)  Parthiban, G., Dushanan, R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilinithy, R. (2020). Manipulation of histone modification using hydroxamic acid derivatives: An implication of Ramachandran plot. Proceedings of 13th International Research Conference, KDUIRC. 22.

15)  Wickramasinghe G. C., Nupearachchi C. N., Perera V. P. S., & Senthilnithy, R. (2020). Enhancement of Photovoltaic Performance of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells by Acidifying of Anthocyanin Containing in Erabadu Dye. Proceedings of 1st International Conference, FICT. 97.

16)  Dushanan, R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilinithy, R. (2020). QM/MM studies on Inhibition of Histone Deacetylation. Proceedings of 1st International Conference, FICT. 98.

17)  Parthiban, G., Dushanan, R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilinithy, R. (2020). Interaction of hydroxamic acids derivatives in clinical trial I with HDLP enzyme; An in-silico approach. Proceedings of 1st International Conference, FICT. 100.

18)  Paligaspe, G. M. P. R., Weerasinghe, S., Dissanayake, D. P., & Senthilnithy, R. (2020). A computational study on the impact of As(III) ion on the secondary structure of human-PKM2 enzyme. Proceedings of 1st International Conference, FICT. 127.

19)  Upendra K. B. G. S., Jeyakumaran N., Jayasinghe C. D., Costa M. D. P. De, and Senthilinithy R., A preliminary study on a fluorescence sensor for efficacy assessment of chemotherapy treatment in the lung cancer patients, Proceeding of the Open University Research Sessions OURS- 2019, p. 103-104.

20)  Wijesekera G. I. P., Costa M. D. P. De and Senthilinithy R., Effect of hydrogen bonding on the fluorescence of protonated 1,10 Phenanthroline and 1,10 Phenanthroline-5-amine, Proceeding of the Open University Research Sessions OURS- 2019, p. 105-106.

21)  Wickramasinghe G. C., Wickramasinghe W. H. G. S., Perera V. P. S., and Senthilnithy R., Fabrication and Characterization of CuO Nanocrystaline Thin Films Prepared by Using Colloidal Suspension, Vidulka, National Energy Symposium organized by Ministry of Power and Energy, (2019), p. 213-218

22)  Wijesekera G. I. P, Costa M. D. P. De and Senthilnithy R., Complexation between Fe2+ and 1, 10- Phennanthroline-5-amine and the quenching mechanism, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, (2019), 36-2, 33.

23)  Perera P.P.P., Costa M.D.P.De and Senthilnithy R., A study on the use of Bathophennanthroline as a fluorescence sensor for iron(II), Chemistry in Sri Lanka, (2019), 36-2, 34.

24)  Sahira A. M. F., Safeena M. I. S. and Senthilnithy R., Spectroscopic and molecular docking evidence of diclofenac and mefenamic acid binding to DNA, Proceeding of the  Open University International Research Sessions, (iOURS-2018), p 113-114.

25)  Dewapura K.M.P., Gunaherath G. M. K.B., Costa M. D. P. De and Senthilnithy R., Synthesis of Iron(III)-naphthylacetohydroxymate Complex as Chelation-Enhanced Fluorescence Sensor for Determination of Fluoride Ions: Proceeding of the Open University International Research Sessions, (iOURS-2018), p 101-102.

26)  Opallage P. M., Senthilnithy R. and M. D. P. De Costa, The Behavior of Emissive Phenanthroline-Iron(II) Charge Transfer Complex on Ionic Strength, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, (2018), 35-2, 13.

27)  Opallage P. M., Costa M. D. P. De and Senthilnithy R., Selective Ratiometric Fluorescence Sensor For Determination of Iron(II), International Symposium in Photochemistry; 27th PhotoIUPAC, Dublin 2018.

28)  Dushanan R., Ranawaka G.R., Weerasinghe S. and Senthilnithy R., Computational Studies on Inhibition of Histone Deacetylation by Hydroxamic Acid Derivatives: An In-Silico Approach, Proceeding of the 15th Open University Research Sessions OURS- 2017, p. 461-464.

29)  Sifnas MRR, Safeena MIS and Senthilnithy R, Anti-Microbial Activity of Hydroxamic Acid Derivatives, Annual Science Research Session, FAS/SEUSL-24th November, 2015, p. 32.

30)  Mafasa H, Senthilnithy R. and Safeena MIS, Antimicrobial Activity of N-Phenyllaurohydroxamic Acid and O-Chloro, O-Methyl Derivatives of N-Phenyl benzohydroxamic Acid, Annual Science Research Session, FAS/SEUSL-24th November, 2015, p. 6.

31)  Haniffa MACM, Senthilnithy R. and Mahanama K. R. R, Sodium – Adsorption Ratio in an Inland Agricultural Water Sources: A preliminary Study in South Eastern Region, International Conference on Postcolonial Societies in Transition, March 02-03, 2015, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. (“Sri-Lankas Postcolonial Legacy, 1815-2015”, proceedings; pg. 74.

32)  Haniffa MACM, Senthilnithy R. and Mahanama K. R. R, The Study of the Impact of Agricultural runoff and Improper Waste Disposal on Stagnant Water Bodies in South Eastern Sri Lanka, International Conference on Chemical Education, College of Chemical Sciences (IChem), 3rd & 4th April 2014.

33)  M. A. C. M. Haniffa, R. Senthilnithy and K. R. R. Mahanama, Contribution of Organic Contaminations and Nutrient level on Dynamic Equilibrium of Dissolved Oxygen in Water Bodies of Costal Belt of Ampara District, Fourth International Symposium, SEUSL – 2014.

34)  MACM Haniffa, R Senthilnithy, KRR Mahanama, The Impact of Organic Contamination on the Dynamic Equilibrium of Dissolve Oxygen in Selected Water Bodies in South East Sri Lanka, Proceedings of International Forestry and Environment Symposium proceedings, 2013.

35)  Haniffa MACM, Senthilnithy R. and Mahanama K. R. R, “Pollution on the selected stagnant water bodies South Eastern Sri Lanka”, Seventh International Forestry and Environment Symposium, University of Sri Jayewardenepura – 2012.

36)  Safeena M. I. S. and Senthilnithy R., “Antifungal Activity of N-phenylbenzo- hydroxamic acid Against Mucor sp.”, Annual Science Research Session, FAS/SEUSL-2012.

37)  MF Nawas, R Senthilnithy, MACM Hanifa, “Impact of domestic and other waste effluents on equilibrium of dissolved Oxygen in stagnated water bodies” Second International Symposium, SEUSL – 2012, p. 174-177.

38)  Dissanayake D.P., Senthilnithy R. and Weerasinghe S., “Quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics study on the stability of hydroxamate anion-water clusters”, National Conference on Advanced Materials for Emerging Technologies (NCAMET 2007).

39)  Senthilnithy R., Gunawardhana H. D. and Costa M. D. P. De, “Speciation studies on Cu(II) and Fe(III) complexes of 1-napthalenemethyliminodiaceto hydroxamic acid”, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, (2006), 23-2, 34.

40)  Senthilnithy R., Gunawardhana H. D. and Costa M. D. P. De, “Potentiometric determination of ionization constant of N-arylhydroxamic acid in non-aqueous solvent; a comparative study with spectroscopic method”, Sri Lanka Assoc. Advt. Sci.Proceedings of 61st Annual Session (2005), Part I-Abstracts, 68-69.

41)  Senthilnithy R., Gunawardhana H. D. and Costa M. D. P. De, “Aminodihydroxamic acid derivative of naphthalene as a fluorescence ionophore for iron(III)”, Sri Lanka Assoc. Advt. Sci., Proceedings of 61st Annual Session 2005, Part I-Abstracts, 68.

42)  Senthilnithy R., Gunawardhana H. D. and Costa M. D. P. De, “Determination of pKa value using Electronic Spectroscopy: A modification of available classical method”, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, (2005), 22-2, 22.

43)  Senthilnithy R., Gunawardhana H. D. and Costa M. D. P. De, “Substituent Effects on Isosbestic Points of Charge Transfer Absorption of Metal Ion-Monohydroxamate in Methanol”, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, (2004), 21-2, 18-19.

  • Fellow – Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon
  • Member – Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)
  • Chartered Chemist (C. Chem.) for life, Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon
  • OUSL Research award 2021
  • OUSL Research award 2020
  • NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publications – 2014
  • Presidential Awards for Scientific Research – 2009
  • Presidential Awards for Scientific Research – 2008
  • Presidential Awards for Scientific Research – 2006
  • SEDA Award for Accredited Teacher in Higher Education – 2000
  • Fellow – Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon
  • Member – Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)
  • Chartered Chemist (C. Chem.) for life, Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon