Department of

Professor K. Sarath D. Perera

B.Sc(Sri Jayewardenepura); Ph.D(Bellfast); F. I. Chem. C

Senior Professor in Chemistry

Department of Chemistry

I earned my B. Sc. (Special) Degree in Chemistry with a Second Class Upper in 1982 from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. I received my Ph. D. (with Prof. James Grimshaw on “Electroactive Polymer modified Electrodes”using poly(amino acids), polypyrroles, and polythiophenes) in 1989 from the Queen’s University of Belfast, UK. From September 1989 to May 1995, I was a Research Fellow at the University of Leeds where I carried out research work in the areas of Organometallic Chemistry, Catalysis (with Prof. Bernard L. Shaw, FRScomplexes of PO, PN, PP, PNP, PNN, PNS, PNO, PNC, NNC ligands, cyclometalation, agostic interaction, F coordination, CH and CX bond activation and Heck olefination) and Boron Chemistry (with Prof. John D. Kennedycomplexes of B16H20, B18H22, and B20H16 and thiaboranes).

Then, I joined the Open University of Sri Lanka as a Senior Lecturer in Chemistry (1995-2003), was appointed Head/Department of Chemistry (April 2002 to September 2004). I was promoted to Professor in Chemistry (2003-2011) and then to Senior Professor in Chemistry (November 2011 to date). I have authored over 20 Chemistry Books. I am involved in publishing over 75 Scientific Papers in International refereed Journals with over 1200 citations and I have presented about 50 papers in Conferences. I am a recipient of many Research Fellowships from University of Leeds (1989-2002) and Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (2005 to 2018), with Prof. Sylvia M. Draper – N- and S-doped graphenes, complexes of N-heterosuperbenzene, azafluoranthenes and pyridyl polyphenylenes, and inorganic polymers). I have received many Research Awards including CVCD Excellence Award in 2012 for the Most Outstanding Senior Researcher in Physical Sciences. I was the Editor-in-Chief of the OUSL Journal of The Open University of Sri Lanka for 3 years (2014-2016).


RI Score 419  Citations 1140; h-index 19

Google Scholar: Citations 1270; h-index 18



Electroactive polymers
Organic and Inorganic Synthesis

Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry, Use of metal complexes in organic synthesis, Boron Chemistry, N- and S-doped polyphenylenes, graphene and their complexes

Course Coordination:
Undergraduate courses
Inorganic Chemistry (CYU4300)
Organometallic Chemistry (CYU5300)
Literature Project in Chemistry (CYU5310)
Research Project in Chemistry (CYU5611)

Lecture courses for the B.Sc. Special Degree
Advanced Organometallic Chemistry (CYU6600)
Inorganic NMR Spectroscopy (CYU6304)
Structural Chemistry (CYU6304)
Chemistry of Nitrogen (CYU6301)
Inorganic polymers (CYU6301)

Supplementary online components developed, visit
Inorganic Chemistry (CYU4300)
Organometallic Chemistry (CYU5300)
Literature Project in Chemistry (CYU5310)
Research Project in Chemistry (CYU5611)
Understanding Law (LLU3261)
Inorganic Spectroscopy and Structural Chemistry (CYU6304)

Audio/video materials produced:
A video on “s-Block Elements” covering properties and reactions of s-block elements and also chemical tests for cations.
A video on “3d-elements” covering properties, reactions and uses of 3d-elements and also chemical tests for common cations.
A video on “Organometallic Chemistry – Catalysis” covering reaction types, common catalysts and their applications.
A video on “p-Block Elements” covering properties and reactions of p-block elements and also chemical tests for common anions.
A video on “Basic Concepts in Organometallic Chemistry” covering hapticity, types of ligands, electron count, and bonding in transition metal compounds.

76. Synthesis of silver(I) complexes containing N and P donor ligands, S. D. Perera, OUSL Journal, 2021, 16(1), 55-74. DOI:

75. Synthesis of platinum(II) complexes of a pyridyl azafluoranthene ligand, S. D. Perera, Rajarata University Journal, 2021, 6(1), 29-36.

74. Synthesis of cyclometallated Pt(II) complexes of a bulky bipyridine ligand, S. D. Perera, OUSL Journal, 2020, 15(1), 27-42.

73. Synthesis of homo and heteroleptic Cu(I) complexes with chelating N and P donor ligands, D. Perera, Rajarata University Journal, 2020, 5(1), 29-34.

72. [2+2+2] cyclotrimerisation as a convenient route to 6N-doped nanographenes: a synthetic introduction to the hexaazasuperbenzene family. L. P. Wijesinghe, S. D. Perera, E. Larkin, G. M. Ó Máille, R. Conway-kenny, B. S. Lankage, L. Wang and S. M. Draper, RSC. Adv., 2017, 7, 24163-67.  DOI: 10.1039/c7ra02648j

71. Synthesis of phenanthroline-based polyphenylenes via a Diels-Alder cycloaddition reaction. B. S. Lankage, S. D. Perera, and S. M. Draper, Rajarata University Journal, 2015, 3, 44-53.

70. Methoxy Functionalisation: Exerting Synthetic Control of the Supramolecular and Electronic Structure of Nitrogen-doped nanographenes. L. P. Wijesinghe, B. S. Lankage, G. M. Ó Máille, S.  D. Perera, D. Nolan, L. Wang and S. M. Draper, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 2014, 50,10637. DOI: 10.1039/C4CC03577A

69. Intriguing Diels-Alder products: chiral centres with an added twist. C. Delaney, S. D. Perera, G. M. Ó Máille and S. M. Draper, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 2014, 50,1599. DOI: 10.1039/c3cc48641a

68. Oxidative bond formation in di-thienyl polyphenylenes: the optical and electrochemical consequences. C. J.  Matin, B. Gil, S. D. Perera and S. M. Draper, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2011, 3491. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201100332

67. Synthesis and coordination chemistry of N-doped polyphenylenes. S. D. Perera, R. Quesada and S. M.Draper, OUSL Journal, 2010, 6, 57-73. DOI: 10.4038/ouslj.v6i0.4114

66. Thienyl directed polyaromatic C-C bond fusions: S-doped hexabenzocoronenes. C. J. Matin, B. Gil, S. D. Perera and S. M. Draper, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 3616. DOI: 10.1039/c0cc05231k

65. Syntheses and Characterization of the Complexes of molybdenum, tungsten and palladium with 2‑diacetylpyridine- (1R)-(-)-fenchone azine. M. Ahmad, I. M. Isa, B. L. Shaw and S. D. Perera. Jurnal Sains dan Matematik, 2010, 2(1), 56.

64. Coordination chemistry of the benzaldehyde−(1R)−(-)−fenchone azine and derivatives Fench=NN=C(H)−C6H4X (X = H, Cl, Br, OMe or NO2 in the meta or para positions) with palladium. M. Ahmad, I. M. Isa,  B. L. Shaw  and S. D. Perera, Jurnal Sains dan Matematik, 2009,  1(1), 11.

63. Rhodium and palladium complexes of a pyridyl-centred polyphenylene derivative, C. M. A. Ollangnier, S. D. Perera, C. M. Fitchett and S. M. Draper, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 2008,  283.

DOI: 10.1039/B709818A

62. (Arene)Ru(II) complexes of P-N ligands. S. D. Perera, OUSL Journal, 2007, 4, 72-77. DOI: 10.4038/ouslj.v4i0.339

61. Macropolyhedral boron-containing cluster chemistry: The unique nido-five-vertex-<B2>-nido-ten-vertex conjuncto structure of [(h5-C5Me5)2Rh2B11H15] via an unexpected cluster-dismantling, Michael J. Carr, Sarath D. Perera, et al., J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun. 2007, 3559. DOI: 10.1039/b709470a

60. Macropolyhedral boron-containing cluster chemistry. Cluster opening and B-frame rearrangement in the reaction of B16H20 with [{IrCl2(5-C5Me5)}2. Synchrotron X-ray structures of [h5-C5Me5)2Ir2B16H17Cl] and  [h5-C5Me5)2Ir2B16H15Cl].  M. J. Carr, S. D. Perera, etal, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 2006, 5221. DOI: 10.1039/B611734A

59. Macropolyhedral boron-containing cluster chemistry.  An unusual ‘neo-nido’ ten-vertex subcluster configuration in a [(PPh­3)2RuB16H20] species, M. J. Carr, S. D. Perera, etal., J. Organomet. Chem., 2005, 690, 2857. DOI: 10.1016/j.jorganchem.2005.02.027

58. Macropolyhedral boron-containing cluster chemistry: two-electron variations in intercluster bonding intimacy. Contrasting structures of 19-vertex [h5-C5Me5)HIrB18H19(PHPh2)] and [5-C5Me5)HIrB18H18 (PH2Ph)] .  S. L. Shea, T. Jelinek, S. D. Perera, B. Stibr, M. Thornton-Pett and J. D. Kennedy, Inorg. Chim. Acta., 2004, 357, 3119. DOI: 10.1016/j.ica.2004.03.041

57. Macropolyhedral boron-containing cluster chemistry: Ligand-induced two-electron variations of intercluster bonding intimacy. Structures of nineteen-vertex [h5-C5Me5)HIrB18H19(PMe2Ph)] and the related carbene compound [h5-C5Me5)HIrB18H19{C(NHMe)2}] .  S. L. Shea, T. Jelinek, S. D. Perera, B. Stibr, M. Thornton-Pett and J. D. Kennedy, J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 2004, 1521. DOI: 10.1039/B404322G

56. Intramolecular and supramolecular cluster interactions.  S. L. Shea, K. S. D. Perera, etal., Boron Chemistry at the beginning of the 21st centuary. 2003, pp 27-35 (chapter in book). DOI: 10.1002/chin.200452245

55. Polyhedral Boron-containing cluster chemistry. Aspects of architecture beyond the icosahedron: Some recent supermolecular and supramolecular developments.  S. L. Shea, J. Bould, M. G. S. Londesborough, S. D. Perera, etal., Pure Appl. Chem. 2003, 75, 1239. DOI: 10.1351/pac200375091239

54. Uni-, bi- and ter-dentate complexes formed from PPh2CH2C(R)=NNHC(=O)Ph (R = But, Ph) and Pd or Pt.Ahmad, S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 2002, 1594. DOI: 10.1039/B111079A

53. Aryl halide coordination to Ru(II): Crystal structure of mer,trans-[RuCl2 (PPh3){PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=CH(C6H3F2-2,6)}]. S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. Inorg. Chim. Acta., 2001, 325, 151.   DOI: 10.1016/S0020-1693(01)00633-8

52. Activation of C-X (X = Cl or Br) bonds in 2-halobenzaldehydes as their 2-pyridylhydrazone derivatives: Oxidative addition to tungsten(0) to give aryl-tungsten(II) complexes. S. D. Perera, J. J. F. Sanchez and B. L. Shaw. Inorg. Chim. Acta., 2001, 325, 175. DOI: 10.1016/S0020-1693(01)00644-2

51. Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of platinum complexes of pyrrole azine phosphine. Shamsuddin, S. D. Perera and B. L. Shaw. ACGC Chem. Res. Commun., 2000, 10, 33.

50. Chelating diphosphine-palladium(II) dihalides; Outstandinly good catalysts for Heck Reactions of aryl halides. B. L. Shaw and S. D. Perera.  J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1998, 1863. DOI:  10.1002/chin.199852119

49. Highly active, stable, catalysts for the Heck Reaction; Further speculations on the mechanism. B. L. Shaw, S. D. Perera and E. M. Staley.  J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1998, 1361. DOI: 10.1039/a802642d

48. Synthesis and reactions of ene-hydrazone diphosphine iridium complexes and related species. L. Shaw and S. D. Perera.J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1998, 2887. DOI: 10.1039/a802073f

47. Complexes of the (1R)-(+)-camphor azine diphosphines Z,Z-3,3′-Ph2PnC10H15=N-N=C10H15PnPh2 and Z,Z-3,3′-Ph2PxC10H15=N-N=C10H15PxPh2 (x = exo ; n = endo) with group 6 metal carbonyls: crystal structures of the ligands and fac-[W(CO)3{Ph2PxC10H15=N-N=C10H15PxPh2}] B. L. Shaw, N. Iranpoor, D. Perera, M. Thornton-Pett and J. D. Vessey. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1998, 1885, DOI: 10.1039/A801585F

46. Macropolyhedral boron-containing cluster chemistry. [PtMe2(PMe2Ph)2] as a cluster metallating agent. Isolation and characterisation of nineteen-vertex [(PMe2Ph)HPt-h4syn-B18H19(PMe2Ph)] and  eighteen-vertex  [(PMe2Ph)2PtS2B15H14(NHCOMe)]   P. Kaur, A. Brownless, S. D. Perera, P. A. Cooke, T. Jelinek, J. D. Kennedy, B. Stibr and M. Thornton-Pett.. J. Organomet. Chem., 1998, 557, 181.DOI: 10.1016/S0022-328X(97)00666-9

45. Some chlorocarbonylruthenium(II) complexes of P,N-donor ligands: Crystal structures of  [RuCl(CO) {PPh2CH2C(But)=NNH2}2]Cl and fac,cis-[RuCl2(CO){PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C(But)CH2PPh2}] U. Ike, S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. Inorg. Chim. Acta., 1998, 279, 95. DOI: 10.1016/S0020-1693(98)00045-0

44. Chemistry of the azine phosphine ligand Z,E-PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=CMe(C6H4NO2-4): Crystal structure of  [Mo(CO)4{PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=CMe(C6H4NO2-4)}].  S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw, D. J. Shenton and Thornton-Pett. Inorg. Chim. Acta., 1998, 270, 312. DOI: 10.1016/S0020-1693(97)05864-7

43. Novel chemistry of rhodium induced by a new type of ligand, a phosphino-N-benzoylhydrazone: Crystal structure of  [Rh(CO)(C{CO2Me}=CHCO2Me {PPh2CH(C{CO2Me}=CCO2Me)C(But)=N-N=C(Ph)O}, Ahmad, S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1997, 2607. DOI: 10.1039/a702196h

42. Macropolyhedral boron-containing cluster chemistry. Isolation and characterization of twenty-one-vertex [(PMe2Ph)3HReB20H15Ph(PHMe2)]. P. Kaur, S. D. Perera, T. Jelinek, B. Stibr, J. D. Kennedy, W. Clegg and  M. Thornton-Pett. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1997, 217. DOI: 10.1039/a607112k

41. Complexes of Cu, Ag and Au with Z,Z-PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C(But)CH2PPh2 containing nine-membered rings:crystal structure of [AuCl{Z,Z-PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C(But)CH2PPh2}]. P. A. Cooke, S. D. Perera, L. Shaw, M. Thornton-Pett and J. D. Vessey. J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1997, 435. DOI: 10.1039/a606000e

40. A new method of creating coordinative unsaturation: synthesis and reactions of a reactive iridium(I) complex [Ir(CO){PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C(But)CH2PPh2}]PF6: structures of [Ir(CO)(h2-L){PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C(But)CH2PPh2}]PF6(L = MeO2CCºCCO2Me or N-Methylmaleamide). D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1996, 3111. DOI: 10.1039/DT9960003111

39. Complexes of tert-butyl dipheylphosphinomethyl ketone N-phenylhydrazone, Z-PPh2CH2C(But)=NNHPh with Mo, Pd or Pt. Crystal structure of cis-[PdCl2{Z-PPh2CH2C(But)=NNHPh}2]. Ahmad, S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. Inorg. Chim. Acta., 1996, 245, 59. DOI: 10.1016/0020-1693(95)04806-5

38. p-2-Methylallylpalladium(II) complexes of an azine diphosphine containing nine-membered chelate rings: crystal structure of [(h3-2-MeC3H4)Pd{E,Z-PPh2CH2C(But)=N N=C(But)CH2PPh2}]. Cermak, S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. Inorg. Chim. Acta., 1996, 244, 115. DOI: 10.1016/0020-1693(95)04761-1

37. A General method of generating agostic interaction between Ru(II) and C-H bonds of tert-butyl, methyl, aryl, heterocyclic or alkenyl groups using azine phosphines. S. D. Perera and B. L. Shaw.  J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1995, 3861. DOI: 10.1039/DT9950003861

36. Syntheses and crystal structures of Mo(0) and Pd(II) complexes of 4-tert-butyl-2-diphenylphosphinocyclohexanone N,N-dimethylhydrazone. S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. Inorg. Chim. Acta., 1995, 242, 7. DOI: 10.1016/0020-1693(95)04618-J

35. Bi- and ter-dentate (P-N-S) complexes of a new thioether azine-phosphine PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C(Me)CH2S(C6H4Me-4) with Mo, W or Pt. S. D. Perera, M. Shamsuddin and B. L. Shaw. Can. J. Chem., 1995, 73, 1010. DOI: 10.1139/v95-125

34. Highly selective mono- and di-alkylation of the backbone of  complexes of type fac-[M(CO)3{E,Z-PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C(But)CH2PPh2}] (M = Mo or W): U. U. Ike, S. D. Perera, L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 1995, 2057. DOI: 10.1039/dt9950002057

33. A general strategy for inducing C-H bond fission (cycloiridation) in some aryl, heterocyclic, alkenyl or   alkyl groups in azines derived from aldehydes or methyl ketones: S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton- Pett. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1995, 1689. DOI: 10.1039/DT9950001689

32. Crystal structure of [{Mo(=O)Cl2(O=PPh2C10H15=NH)} 2O]. A binuclear oxygen bridged oxomolybdenum(V) complex containing chelating imino-phosphine oxide ligands.  S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. Inorg. Chim. Acta., 1995, 234, 185. DOI: 10.1016/0020-1693(95)04492-R

31. Novel iridium complexes of an azine diphosphine: Reactive Ir(I) species formed by a unique isomerisation of an Ir(III) hydride. A new method of creating coordinative unsaturation. S. D. Perera and B. L. Shaw. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1995, 865. DOI: 10.1039/c39950000865

30. Cyclometallation of a pentafluorobenzaldehyde azine phosphine via a C-F bond fission by Ir(I): Crystal stucture of [IrCl2(CO){PPh2CH2C(But)=N­-N=CH(C6F4)}]. S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. Inorg. Chim. Acta., 1995, 233, 103. DOI: 10.1016/0020-1693(95)04457-K

29. A systematic method of promoting an aryl fluoride to coordinate to Ru(II). S. D. Perera and B. L. Shaw. Inorg. Chim. Acta., 1995, 228, 127. DOI: 10.1016/0020-1693(94)04156-P

28. Cyclometallation of azine phosphines of type Z,E-PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=CHR (R = an aromatic or heterocyclic group) involving X-Y (X = C, N or O; Y = H, I or Br)  bond fission by Pt(II). D. Perera and B. L. Shaw. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1995, 641. DOI: 10.1039/DT9950000641

27. Complexes of the bidentate ligands  Z-PPh2CH2C(But)=NNR2 (R = Hor Me) with Rh and Ir, D. Perera and B. L. Shaw. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1995, 633. DOI: 10.1039/DT9950000633

26. Terdentate (P­-N-N) complexes of a new pyridyl azine phosphine Z,E-PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C(Me)C5H2N and its deprotonated derivative (an azo-phosphine) with transition metals. K. K. Hii, S. D. Perera and B. L. Shaw. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1995, 624. DOI: 10.1039/dt9950000625

25. Terdentate (P­-N-O) Complexes formed from Z,E-PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=CH(C6H4OH-2) or Z,E-PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=CH{C6H4(OH-2)(OMe)2-4,6} with Ni, Pd, Pt, Rh or Ir. K. K. Hii, S. D. Perera and B. L. Shaw. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1994, 3589. DOI: 10.1039/DT9940003589

24. Deprotonation, deuteriation and substitution of the backbone of some azine diphosphine complexes of Pd and Pt: Structures of [PtI{PPh2CH=C(But)N-N=C(But)CH2PPh2}] and [PtCl{PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C(But)CH2PPh2}][picrate]. S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1994, 3311. DOI: 10.1039/DT9940003311

23. Cyclometallation of 2-halogeno-mixed azine phosphines of  type PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=CH(C6H4X-2) (X = I, Br, or Cl) involving a facile C-X bond fission at W(0). S. D. Perera and B. L. Shaw. J. Organomet. Chem., 1994, 479, 117. DOI: 10.1016/0022-328X(94)84098-9

22. A general method of promoting oxidative addition of C-H bonds to Ir(I) using azine phosphines, D. Perera and B. L. Shaw. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1994, 1203. DOI: 10.1039/C39940001203

21. A general method of promoting agostic interactions (Ru-H-C) using azine phosphines. D. Perera and B. L. Shaw. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1994, 1201. DOI: 10.1039/C39940001201

20. Some chemistry with a chiral phosphine generated from fenchone-pinacolone mixed azine: Crystal structure of Z,E-PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C10H16. S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1994, 713. DOI: 10.1039/DT9940000713

19. Complexes of the bidentate ligands  PPh2CH2C(But)=NNR2 (R = H or Me) and PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=CHPh  with Pd(II) and Pt(II). Crystal structure of cis-[Pt{PPh2CH2C(But)=NNH}2]. K.K. Hii, D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett.J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1994, 103. DOI: 10.1039/DT9940000103

18. Reactions of an azine diphosphine with  Pt(II) and Pd(II) and the formation of a novel heterocyclic diphosphine ligand. Structure of [PdI2{PPh2CH=C(But)N-N=C(But)CH2PPh}]. S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1993, 3653. DOI: 10.1039/DT9930003653

17. Crystal structure, and variable temperature proton and  carbon-13 NMR spectra  of the 9-membered ring complex  cis-[Cr(CO)4{PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C(But)CH2PPh2}]. S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw, M. Thornton- Pett and J. D.Vessey.  J. Organomet. Chem., 1993, 462, 221. DOI: 10.1016/0022-328X(93)83361-X

16. A seven bond coupling, 7J(PP) or through space coupling in  the azine diphosphine Z,Z-PPh­2CH2­C(But)=N-N=C(But)CH2PPh2: Structure of Z,Z-P(=O)Ph­2CH2C(But)=N N=C(But)CH2P(=O)Ph2. S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw, M. Thornton-Pett and J. D. Vessey.  Inorg. Chim. Acta., 1993, 207, 175. DOI: 10.1016/S0020-1693(00)90707-2

15. The synthesis of endo-3-diphenylphosphino-(1R)-(+)-camphor (L) and some of its complexes with Pd(II),  Pt(II) and Rh(I):  Crystal structures of L and of cis-[PdCl2L2]. S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw, M. Thornton-Pett and J. D. Vessey.  Inorg. Chim. Acta., 1992, 198-200, 149. DOI: 10.1016/S0020-1693(00)92356-9

14. New bidentate ligands of the types PPh2CH2C(But)=NNR2 (R = H or Me) and PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=CHPh and their complexes with group 6 metal carbonyls. K. K. Hii, S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1992, 2361.  DOI: 10.1039/DT9920002361

13. Complexes of an azine diphosphine with group 6 metalcarbonyls. Crystal structures of Z,Z‑PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C(But)CH2PPh2 and fac-[Mo(CO)3{E,Z-PPh2CH2C(But)=N-N=C(But)CH2PPh2}]. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. Dalton Trans., 1992, 1469. DOI: 10.1039/DT9920001469

12. 3-Diphenylphosphino-(1R)-(+)-camphor dimethylhydrazone complexes of Pt(II) and Pd(II); Crystal structure of [PdCl2(PPh2C10H15=NNMe2)]. S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1992, 999. DOI: 10.1039/dt9920000999

11. A novel redox/fission reaction of the molybdenum tetracabonyl complex of 3-diphenylphosphino-(1R)-(+)-camphor dimethylhydrazone: Structure of [Mo(CO)4(PPh2C10H15=NH)]. S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. J. Organomet. Chem., 1992, 428, 59. DOI: 10.1016/0022-328X(92)83219-8

10. Polypyrrole as a support for electrocatalytic materials. D. Curran, J. Grimshaw and S. D. Perera. Chem. Soc. Rev., 1991, 20, 391. DOI: 10.1039/cs9912000391

9. 3-Diphenylphosphino-(1R)-(+)-camphor dimethylhydrazone and its complexes with group 6 metal carbonyl: Crystal structures of the hydrazone and [Mo(CO)4(PPh2C10H15=NNMe2)]. S. D. Perera, B. L. Shaw and M. Thornton-Pett. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1991, 1183. DOI: 10.1039/dt9910001183

8. Complexes including acetylides formed from 3-diphenyl-phosphinocamphor and Pt or Pd. D. Perera and B. L. Shaw. J. Organomet. Chem., 1991, 402, 133. DOI: 10.1016/0022-328X(91)80089-3

7. Electroactive poly(amino acids) Part 3. Ferrocene-doped poly(L-lysine) as an electroactive layer on platinum. A. M. Abeysekera, J. Grimshaw and S. D. Perera. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 1990, 1797. DOI: org/10.1039/p29900001797

6. Redox behaviour of polypyrrole film containing naphthoquinone and  benzoquinone groups. Grimshaw and S. D. Perera.J. Electroanal. Chem., 1990, 281, 125. DOI: 10.1016/0022-0728(90)87034-H

5. Electrochemical behaviour of poly(thiophene-benzoquinone) films. Grimshaw and S. D. Perera.J. Electroanal. Chem., 1990, 278, 287. DOI: 10.1016/0022-0728(90)85140-Z

4. Poly(pyrrole-pyromellitimide) modified electrodes. Grimshaw and S. D. Perera. J. Electroanal. Chem., 1990, 278, 279. DOI: 10.1016/0022-0728(90)85139-V

3. Redox behaviour of a polypyrrole modified electrode where the pyrrole has N-substituted 9-cyanoanthracene groups. J. Grimshaw and S. D. Perera.  J. Electroanal. Chem., 1989, 265, 335.

DOI: 10.1016/0022-0728(89)80204-9

2. Electroactive poly(amino acids) Part 2. Copolymers of N-4-nitrobenzoyl-L-lysine with inactive amino acids. Modified electrodes with these polymers and polypyrrole and with poly{1-[2-(4-nitrobenzoyl)aminoethyl] pyrrole}.  J. Grimshaw and S. D. Perera. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 1989, 1711.DOI: 10.1039/P29890001711

1. Electroactive poly(amino acids) Part 1. Modified electrodes from Pt with an adsorbed film of  poly(N-4-nitrobenzoyl-L-lysine). A. M. Abeysekera, J. Grimshaw, S. D. Perera and D. Vipond, Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2, 1989, 43. DOI: 10.1039/P29890000043

Open Educational Materials authored in English and Sinhala Media

  1. Biomolecules & Biopolymers
  2. Fats, Oils & Detergents
  3. Food Additives
  4. Health and Medicine
  5. Synthetic Polymers
  6. The Periodic Table and Periodicity
  7. Descriptive Chemistry of Elements: s-Block
  8. Descriptive Chemistry of Elements: d-Block
  9. Descriptive Chemistry of Elements: p-Block
  10. Hydrogen
  11. Safety and Good Laboratory Practices


Articles in Newsletters

22. Genetically modified foods, D. T. Dulmini and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2022, I-II, 36-38.

21. Tattoos: Artwork on skin, M. Qader and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN   QUARTERLY, 2022, I-II, 30-32.

20. Aflatoxin: The green toxin found in food (in Sinhala). D. T. Dulmini and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2022, I-II, 25-27.

19. Angampora: Ancient Sri Lankan martial art (in Sinhala). D. T. Dulmini and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2022, I-II, 15-18.

18. How to minimise the adverse effects of pesticide? (in Sinhala). D. T. Dulmini and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2020, IV, 15-19.

17. Miraculous murunga tree, Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2020, IV, 12-14.

16. Love and hate of chocolates, A. D. T. Dulmini and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2020, III, 26-27.

15. Are alcoholic beverages good for you? (in Sinhala). D. T. Dulmini and K. Sarath D.Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2020, I, 22-23.

14. Change your plate & change your fate: Ayurvedic diet, D. T. Dulmini and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2020, I, 19-21.

13. Alcoholic beverages: Devils in disguise, Sarath D. Perera, CCS Newsletter, 2019, 18(3), 2-3.

12. The sense of wonders of perfumes, M. Qader and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2019, III, 15-16.

11. E-numbers or hidden chemicals, De Silva and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2019, II, 21-23.

10. Artificial sweeteners, De Silva and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2019, I, 22-24.

9. The magic of coconut oil. De Silva and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN   QUARTERLY, 2018, IV, 16.

8. Vitamins: Micronutrients for good health. De Silva and K. Sarath D. Perera,

The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2018, III, 23-24.

7. Tea: A treasure for health and wealth. De Silva and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2018, II, 24-25.

6. Spices for taste, health & wealth. De Silva and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2017, III, 11-12.

5. The disaster of drugs: What is the way out? G. G. R, Pradeep and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2017, II, 25-27. 10.13140/RG.2.2.16411.77603

4. Some food for thought about the food you eat. De Silva and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2017, I, 7-9.

3. The green is the new red: Better chemistry for greener world. Amith and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2016, II, 27-28.                                                 

2. Drug abuse, addiction, and the magic of “getting high”. G. G. R. Pradeep and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2016, I, 30-32.    10.13140/RG.2.2.33188.99203

1. The good, the bad and the ugly of cosmetics. J. P. Thilakarathna and K. Sarath D. Perera, The OPEN QUARTERLY, 2016, I, 20-21.

Articles published in chemistry in Sri Lanka

25. Nucleophilic substitution reactions, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2021, 38(3), in press.

24. Arene metal complexes, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2021, 38(3), in press.

23. Introduction to NMR spectroscopy, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2021, 38(3), in press.

22. Phytochemicals and importance of cinnamon, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2021, 38(3), in press.

21. Mass spectrometry, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2021, 38(2), 58-62.

20. Monsanto and Cativa processes of acetic acid synthesis, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2021, 38(2), 62-63.

19. Aromaticity and reactions of aromatic molecules/ions, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2021, 38(2), 64-66.

18. Introduction to radiochemistry, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2021,  38(1), 58-61.

17. Hydrogenation of olefins, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2021, 38(1), 56-58.

16. Metal hydrides, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2021, 38(1), 54-56.

15. Chemical constituents of murunga tree, K. Sarath D. Perera and A. D. T. Dulmini, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2021, 38(1), 41-45.

14. Aflatoxins, K. Sarath D. Perera and A. D. T. Dulmini, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2021, 38(1), 32-36.

13. Metal carbonyls, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2020, 37(3), 62-64.

12. Reductive elimination reactions, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2020, 37(3), p 61-62.

11. Insertion and deinsertion reactions, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2020, 37(3), p 60-61.

10. Biotoxins: Invisible threat to mankind, K, Sarath D. Perera and O. N. Malawalaarachchi, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2020, 37(3), 34-39.

9.   Water – The life saver, K, Sarath D. Perera and O. N. Malawalaarachchi, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2020, 37(3), 50-53.

8.   Oxidative addition reactions, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2020, 37(2), 60-61.

7.    Substitution reactions, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2020, 37(2), 58-59.

6.    Crystal Field Theory, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2020, 37(2), 55-57.

5.    Chemical nature of pesticides, K, Sarath D. Perera and A. D. T. Dulmini, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2020, 37(2), 45-49.

4.    Valence Bond Theory, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2020, 37(1), 31-32.

3.    Isomerism in coordination compounds, K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2020, 37(1), 29-31.

2.    Chemistry of perfumes, M. M. Qader and K, Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2020, 37(1), 26-29.

1.    Synthetic analogues of cannabinoids and cathinones, R. G. G. Roshan Pradeep and K. Sarath D. Perera, Chemistry in Sri Lanka, 2016, 33(1), 28-31.


Annual Research Award – 2021 from the Open University of Sri Lanka

Annual Research Award – 2020 from the Open University of Sri Lanka

President’s Award for Scientific Publication – 2014

Annual Research Award – 2014 from the Open University of Sri Lanka

CVCD Excellence Award – 2012 for the Most Outstanding Senior Researcher in Physical Sciences from the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Directors (CVCD) of Sri Lanka

President’s Award for Scientific Publication – 2011

Annual Research Award – 2010 from the Open University of Sri Lanka

Annual Research Award – 2009 from the Open University of Sri Lanka

President’s Award for Scientific Publication – 2007

Presidential Award for Research – 2006

Presidential Award for Research – 2005

Presidential Award for Research – 2004

Presidential Award for Research – 2003

Award for Excellence in Research – 2003 from the Open University of Sri Lanka

Organic Chemistry Research Prize – 1986 from the Queen’s University, Belfast, UK

ORS Award from the Queen’s University, Belfast, UK (1985-1989)

Fellowships/Academic Distinctions/Training:

Research Fellowship (April 2017 to June 2018) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (Sept-Nov 2014) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (Sept-Nov 2013) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (May-July 2012) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (Mar-May 2011) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (July-Sept 2009) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (Aug-Oct 2008) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (April 2005 to March 2007) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Participated the program on “Good practices in open and distance learning” conducted by Open University Malaysia, Malaysia, 12-16th July, 2004

Participated the “Distance Education Training Program” conducted by

Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand, 17-25th July, 2004

Admitted to Fellow of Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon, 2002

Research Fellowship (July to September 2002) from the University of Leeds

Visiting Scientist (June to August 2001) to the University of Leeds

Visiting Scientist (June to August 2000) to the University of Leeds

Royal Society Visiting Fellow (March to May 1999) to the University of Leeds

Senior Research Fellowship (February to April 1998) from the University of Leeds

Senior Research Fellowship (February to April 1997) from the University of Leeds

Research Fellowship (September 1989 to May 1995) from the University of Leeds


Research Fellowship (April 2017 to June 2018) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (Sept-Nov 2014) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (Sept-Nov 2013) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (May-July 2012) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (Mar-May 2011) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (July-Sept 2009) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (Aug-Oct 2008) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Research Fellowship (April 2005 to March 2007) from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Participated the program on “Good practices in open and distance learning” conducted by Open University Malaysia, Malaysia, 12-16th July, 2004

Participated the “Distance Education Training Program” conducted by

Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand, 17-25th July, 2004

Admitted to Fellow of Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon, 2002

Research Fellowship (July to September 2002) from the University of Leeds

Visiting Scientist (June to August 2001) to the University of Leeds

Visiting Scientist (June to August 2000) to the University of Leeds

Royal Society Visiting Fellow (March to May 1999) to the University of Leeds

Senior Research Fellowship (February to April 1998) from the University of Leeds

Senior Research Fellowship (February to April 1997) from the University of Leeds

Research Fellowship (September 1989 to May 1995) from the University of Leeds