Department of

Dr. J.Vijanaka .P.Fernando (HOD)

PhD (Colombo), B.Sc., M.Phil (Colombo), M.I.P.(SL), Chartered Physicist

Senior Lecturer - Grade I

Department of Physics

I graduated at the University of Colombo completing Physics as a Special subject and also completed degree of Mater of Philosophy in colorimetry instrumentation at the same university. To complete My PhD in the area of Mass spectrometry Instrumentation I did research at the University of Uppsala , Sweden and University of Manitoba , Canada . I assume that , the complicated phenomena in the nature can be understood through the models presented in Physics . I am curious to know about the mysterious phenomena in the universe . But I also believe that those understanding is not the reality.

Spectroscopy Instrumentation

MALDI Imaging MASS Spectrometry , Spectrophotometry

PHU5318 – Electronics for Biology Students
PHU6300 -Advanced Practical in Physics
PHU6307 -Modern Optics

(i) Title : A low cost device to teach colorimetry in a chemical laboratory. Published in Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 53rd annual session in 1997 December, E2-36

(ii) Title : A low cost colorimetric device for secondary level chemical education. Published in Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 54th  annual session in 1998 December, E2-239

(iii)Title : A low cost photometric multiple sample analyzer for clinical laboratories.

Published in 112th  Sri Lanka Medical Association anniversary academic  session in  1999 March, OP-13

(iv) Title : The method of obtaining correct radiation spectra using a non linear detector.

Published in Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 56th  annual session in 2001 December, E1-219

(v) Title: Imaging MALDI with orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Published in COLA 2007, 9th  International Conference on Laser Ablation. September, Tenerife, Spain

(vi) Title: Laser Fluence and Profile Effects on Sensitivity in MALDI mass spectrometry .Published in 56th ASMS conference on mass spectrometry and allied topics, American Society  for Mass Spectrometry Conference: ASMS2007 session: Ionization Mechanisms – 026

(vii) Title : Study of the laser spot size on the surface of a MALDI target with the focusing height in imaging mass spectrometry

Published in Institute of Physics Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the 26th Technical   Session – March 2010

(viii) Title :  Optimizing laser incident angle for improved MALDI  performance in molecular imaging mass spectrometry, Published  in Annual Research Symposium (postgraduate) at the university of Colombo May 2010

(ix) Title:  A method for rapid matrix sublimation for MALDI lipid imaging, Published in proceedings of the 61st American Society for Mass Spectrometry conference on mass spectrometry and Allied tropics June 2013

(x) Title: Determination of the optimum pixel size for the highest spatial resolution in molecular images produced by  continuous laser  raster sampling technique with imaging mass spectrometry ,The international journal of Science and Technology, Volume 5, Issue 11,80-85 -2017

(xi) Title: Automated electroplating device coupled with a colorimeter to maintain the electrode voltage , Proceedings of the Open University International Research Sessions (iOURS 2018)