Literature/Research Project in Chemistry CYU5310 /CYU5611 – 2023/2024

Literature/Research Project in Chemistry CYU5310 /CYU5611 – 2023/2024 The Department of Chemistry will be offering the above optional courses during the academic year 2023/2024. Students who fulfill the perquisites and particularly intend to complete B.Sc. degree programme during the academic year 2023/2024 are allowed to offer the above courses. Please note that no one can […]

Chemical Aspects of Food Industry

To develop an understanding of the theoretical and practical knowledge in food chemistry focusing on the macronutrients and micronutrients and to develop an understanding of the interrelationship between food processing, safety and quality in industry and apply the principles of hygienic food handling and to understand the Food Act of Sri Lanka.

Practical Chemistry-CYU4302

Develop the ability in using knowledge in relevant theory in making decisions on relevant experimental techniques and plan and perform an experiment in reaction kinetics, in determining the thermodynamic solubility product of a salt, in constructing the phase diagram of a mixture of two miscible liquids, in conductiometry, involving a pH meter, in colourimetry and […]

Organic Chemistry I

  Develop an understanding of basic concepts of stereochemistry, develop the ability in solving problems associated with E/Z and R/S nomenclature of stereoisomers, develop the ability in solving problems involving specific rotation and optical purity of enantiomers, develop understanding of structure reactivity relationships of organic molecules, develop the ability to understand the kinetics, stereochemical course […]

Basic Practical Chemistry

The aim of this course is to provide the students with knowledge in the following; To be engaged in scientific thinking to develop an experimental procedure with an understanding of the theory related, to follow it using correct techniques and record scientifically: Ability to work as a team, lead a team for a task and […]

Basic Principles of Chemistry II

The aim of this course is to provide the students with knowledge in the following; Develop an understanding the behavior of gases using the ideal gas model and the factors responsible for deviating from ideal behavior to non-ideal behavior of gases, develop an understanding of the basic concepts and terminology and use them in study […]

Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis

The aim of this course is to provide the students with knowledge in the following; UV-Visible spectrometry and its applications Fluorescence Atomic emission Infra-red Raman and mass spectrometry Electrochemistry Chromatographic methods Radioanalytical methods  


The aim of this course is to provide the students with knowledge in the following; Energy metabolism Enzymes Carbohydrates Metabolism Amino acids Protein Fat metabolism  

Mathematics for Chemistry and Biology

This is a two-credit course offered for level 3 students who have not done mathematics at the A/L. It covers basic mathematics; algebra, trigonometry, differentiation, integration, and basic statistics that are needed for the students to understand the mathematics or statistic basic concepts of chemistry and biology.

Organometallic Chemistry

  The aim of this course is to provide the students with knowledge in the following; bonding patterns in organometallic complexes. properties and the synthetic routes of organometallic complexes products of the organometallic reactions requirements and conditions necessary for the reactions of the organometallic complexes on the catalytic mechanisms of the reactions associated with the organometallic […]