Science Practical workshop at Bengamuwa Secondary School 2022

The Science practical workshop for the GCE-ordinary-level students sitting for the O/L examination 2022 was successfully conducted at the Bengamuwa Secondary School on 09.12. 2022. Total of 126 students from Bengamuwa secondary school, Vileyaya Kanishta Vidyalaya, Pasgoda Maha Vidyalaya and Dampahala Maha Vidyalaya took part in the event. Zonal educational director/ Deniyaya, the Principal, and […]

Information sheets – 2021/2022_Department of Chemistry

You can refer the information sheets uploaded into this section, for more information regarding the courses offered by the Department of Chemistry. Please use following links to view the courses at different study levels. Level 03 CYE3200 CYU3200 CYU3300 CYU3302 LLU3261 Level 04 CYU4300 CYU4301 CYU4302 CYU4303 Level 05 CYU5301 CYU5302 CYU5303 CYU5304 CYU5307 CYU5308 […]

Ms. S. Thulasi

I graduated in 2010 with First Class (Hons) in B.Sc. Special Degree in Chemistry from the University of Jaffna. I joined the Natural Products Chemistry Research Group at the National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy and obtained my MPhil Degree from the Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya in 2017. I started my academic […]

Buckyball Guest lectures series

Guest lectures series Given the restrictions imposed on social gatherings by the COVID-19 pandemic and understanding the importance to maintain and uplift the motivation of the undergraduate learners via active engagement, the Buckyball Society organized a series of webinars as outlined below. The webinars were attended by large numbers of OUSL undergraduates and was well […]

Buckyball Pola-2022

Buckyball Pola-2022 The Buckyball Pola is a very important annual event of the society which brings together the academic staff, non-academic staff, as well as the students of the OUSL. This event is organized aimed at raising funds for the activities of the society; mainly the presentation of scholarships and awards for the students who […]

Bachelor of Science Honours in Chemistry

The B.Sc. (Hons) degree programme in chemistry is a 2 + 2 programme, i.e., the students will be admited to the level 5 of the Honours degree programme in Chemistry after successful completion of Level 3 and 4 of the B.Sc. degree programme within four (04) consecutive academic years from his/her initial registration for the […]