Department of

Bachelor of Science Honours in Mathematics


We have designed the Bachelor of Science Honours degree programme in Mathematics to provide graduates with a deep and broad understanding of mathematics and to prepare them to become independent learners.

We believe that the qualification would help graduates to consolidate and strengthen their knowledge in the main areas of pure mathematics and to develop research capacity and skills in the discipline.

Programme Structure

(Ο – for optional, × – compulsory)

Level 3

Course code Course title Credit Value  
Subject 1 PEU3300 Mathematical Logic and Mathematical Proofs


PEU3301 Foundations of Mathematics


PEU3202 Vector Spaces


  • Subject 2 and Subject 3 from among Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Chemistry, and Physics and offer a total of 22 credits of regular courses with 8 credits each from those disciplines, and 6 credits of open elective courses.
  • Further, ADU3302 – Differential Equations is a required course to follow the BSc Honours degree programme in Mathematics.

Level 04 

Course code Course title Credit Value  
Major Subject 1 PEU4300 Real Analysis I



PEU4301 Real Analysis II



PEU4302 Linear Algebra



PEU4303 Group Theory I



  • You have to decide a Minor Subject from among Subject 2 and Subject 3 chosen at Level 3 and, in addition, offer a total of 18 credits of courses with 12 credits from the Major Subject 2 (Subject 2 or 3 at Level 3) and 6 credits from the Minor Subject.

Level 5

Course code Course title Credit Value  
Specialization PEU5300 Riemann Integration



PEU5301 Ring Theory



PEU5302 Combinatorics



PEU5303 Number Theory



PEU5304 Introduction to Complex Analysis



PEU5305 Complex Analysis I



PEU5306 Introduction to Dynamical Systems



PEU5307 Cryptography



ADU5302 Mathematical Methods



Total requirement for Level 5 – A total of 30 credits of courses with minimum 21 credits from the subject of Pure Mathematics, including the compulsory courses and minimum 3 credits and maximum 6 credits from the other two disciplines and/or up to 6 credits of open elective courses at Level 5.

Level 6

Course code Course title Credit Value  
Specialization PEU6300 Group Theory II



PEU6601 Point Set Topology



PEU6602 Measure Theory



PEU6303 Complex Analysis II



PEU6304 Functional Analysis



PEU6305 Introduction to Galois Theory



PEU6306 Advanced Topics in Real Analysis



PEU6611 Research Project in Mathematics



  • Total requirement for Special Degree – A total of 30 credits at level 6 comprising minimum of 24 credits and maximum 30 credits of courses from the subject of Pure Mathematics, including the compulsory courses marked.

Admission Criteria for BSc (Hons) in Mathematics

Please note that BSc (Hons) degree programme in 2 + 2 programme, which indicate that the students will admit to the level 5 of the Honours degree programme in Mathematics after successful completion of Level 3 and 4 of the BSc degree programme within four (04) consecutive academic years from his/her initial registration for the Degree of Bachelor of Science with the following minimum requirements are fulfilled.

  • A minimum of C grades for thirty (30) course credits of regular courses at Level 3, AND,
  • A minimum of C grades for twenty-four (24) course credits at Level 4, including twelve (12) course credits from the subject of Mathematics and, at least eligibility for sitting final examination for the other six (06) course credits, AND
  • A minimum GPA of 3.00 in course credits adding up to twenty (20) course credits of Levels 3 and 4, from the subject of Mathematics, AND,
  • At least a Pass grade or Exemption for each of the continuing education courses.


Application form_Mathematics_SPMA_2023-2024

Calling-Students_honours Degree 2023-24

Accepting On-line Applications: 20th May 2023
Closing Date for On-line Applications: 26th May 2023
Programme Registration date: 26th May 2023
Commencement of Academic Activities: 29th May 2023

Fees for students registering for the BSc Hon’s Degree Programme in the academic Year 2023/24 are as follows.

Course fee 

  • LKR 2610/= per Credit in Levels 3 and 4
  • LKR 3270/= per credit in Levels 5 and 6
Avalable Courses for this Study Programme Find Courses

Contact Details

This undergraduate study programme is conducted by the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences. The Open University of Sri Lanka.

Address :

Dr. H.O.W.Peiris, Head/ Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nawala.

Contact :
011 2881019, 0112881309
Email :
Contact Programme Coordinator

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