Department of

Asso. Prof. Neetha N. Punchihewa

B.Sc. (Sri Jayawardanapura, SL), M.Phil. (OUSL) , M.Biol. (SL), PG Dip. Education (OUSL), PG.Dip. Env. Health (Massey, NZ), P.hD. (OUSL), M.I. Biol(SL), C.Biol (SL),F.Biol (SL)

Associate Professor in Zoology

Department of Zoology
Estuarine ecology, Systematic, Environmental Health
25.10.1982 -upto now - 40 years

1986 - upto now -36 years

Head of the Department, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka (2017-2020).

Advanced Certificate in Laboratory technology- coordinator
Course coordination :
ZLU2281 – Fundamentals of Ecology, ZYU4301- Ecology, PSC1221 – Basic Biology for Laboratory Practice

Books published:·

  • Ecology –ZOU2262 – Block 1 ,Publisher: The Open University of Sri Lanka,100 pages,ISBN: 955 -23-0645-0, Author; N. N. Punchihewa (1996), Editor; Dr. S.W. Kotagama ·
  • Ecology –ZOU2262 – Block 2, Publisher: The Open University of Sri Lanka,130 pages, Author; N. N. Punchihewa (1997), Editor; Dr. S.W. Kotagama ·
  • Ecology –ZYU4301– Block 1 Unit 1, Publisher: The Open University of Sri Lanka,100 pages, ISBN:978-955 -23-1710-1, Author; Dr.N. N. Punchihewa (2018),Editor; Prof. T. Jayasooriya  ·
  • Ecology –ZYU4301– Block 2 Unit II & III, Publisher: The Open University of Sri Lanka, 100 pages,ISBN: 978-955 -23-1718-7,100 pages, Author; Dr. N. N. Punchihewa (2018), Editor; Dr. S.W. Kotagama ·
  • ZYC2201: Laboratory Organization, Management and Safety, Publisher: The Open University of Sri Lanka, Chairperson, writer and editor.  ·
  • ZYC2204: Animals and their specimens: Block 1, Publisher: The Open University of Sri Lanka, Chairperson, writer and editor.      ·
  • ZYC2400 – Laboratory practices related to Zoology: Block 2,Publisher: The Open University of Sri Lanka Chair person, writer and editor.                      ·
  • Chief Editor•    Success stories of Open University Graduates, published by the Open University of Sri Lanka (ISBN 978-956-23-1455-1 and ISBN 978-955-23-1454-4).
  • Book chapters published: ·         Pinto, L. and Punchihewa, N.N. (1993): Short-Term Effects of Denudation of Mangroves on the Fish and Crustacean Communities of the Negombo Lagoon. In Erdelen, W., Preu, C., Ishwaran, N. and Madduma Bandara, C.M., (Eds.): Ecology and Landscape Management in Sri Lanka. Weikersheim: Margraf Scientific Books. 323-340.
  • Pinto, L., Punchihewa, N.N, (1996), Utilisation of mangroves and seagrasses by fishes in the Negombo Estuary, Sri Lanka. Marine Biology, 126: 333-345.


  • Punchihewa, N. N., Krishnarajah, S. R. (2013a). Trophic Position of two Mysid species (Crustacea:Mysidacea) in an estuarine ecosystem in Auckland, New Zealand, Using Stable Isotopic Analysis. American Journal of Marine Science, 1 (1), 22-27. DOI: 10.12691/marine-1-1-3


  • Punchihewa, N. N., Krishnarajah, S. R. (2013b). Distribution of Mysids (Crustacea: Mysidacea Auckland Region, New Zealand. American Journal of Marine Science, 1 (1), 16-21. DOI: 10.12691/marine-1-1-4


  • Punchihewa, N. N. (2015). Evaluation of ecological importance of mysids as a food item in the diet of fish, New Zealand,International Journal of environment, 4 (3).


  • Punchihewa, N. N., Krishnarajah, S. R., Vinobaba, P. (2017). Mysid (Crustacea: Mysidacea)distribution in the Bolgoda estuarine system and Lunawa lagoon, Sri Lanka, InternationalJournal of environment, 6 (1):23-30.


  • Punchihewa, N. N. (2018). Reproductive biology and intra marsupial development of mysids in Auckland region, New Zealand, International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences,7(9), 28-35.


  • Punchihewa, N. N. (2018). Seasonal variation and abundance of Mysids in Auckland region, New Zealand. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 8 (11).


  • Punchihewa, N.N., Silva, M.P.C. (2019). Feeding habits of different fish species in Negombo Lagoon. International Journal of Environment, 8 (2), 86-96.


  • Punchihewa, N.N., Tharangani E.M.D (2019). Ecological impact of destruction of mangrove vegetation on juvenile fish populations in Negombo lagoon. International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 8(4), 14-20.


  • Punchihewa, N.N., S.R. Krishnarajah (2019). Factors Influencing the Distribution of Mysids (Crustacea: Mysida)in the Negombo Lagoon, Sri Lanka. Ceylon Journal of Science 48 (3), 225-236.


  • Punchihewa, N.N. (2020). Evaluation of Potential factors affecting the distribution of mysids (Crustacea: Mysidacea) in Puttalam Lagoon, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Environment, 9 (2), 172- 183.


  • Punchihewa, N.N. (2020). The effect of temperature on reproductive cycles, growth and survival of two estuarine mysid species. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research, 5 (2), 38-45.


  • Punchihewa, N.N. (2020). A redescription of Tenagomysis species and Gastrosaccus australis from estuarine environments (Crustacea: Mysida) in Auckland region, New Zealand. International Journal of Aquatic Biology, 8(2), 132-142


  • Punchihewa, N.N. (2021). Factors influencing the Distribution of Mysids (Crustacea: Mysidacea) in Chilaw lagoon, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 3(4), 73-80.


  • Punchihewa, N.N. (2021). Life history and reproductive biology of four estuarine mysid species in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Zoology Studies, 6(6), 14-21.


  • Punchihewa, N. N., Pinto, L. (1987). Periodicity in the occurrence of the edible sea crab Portunus pelagicus linn in the seagrases of the Negombo Lagoon. Proceedings of SLAAS 43rd session. ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N., Pinto, L. (1987). The occurrence of juvenile fish in Seagrases and Mangroves fringing the Negombo Lagoon. Proceedings of 43rd SLAAS session. ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N., Pinto, L. (1989). Short term Effect of Denudation of mangroves on the fish and crustacean communities of the Negombo Lagoon. Proceedings of 45th SLAAS session. ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N., Pinto, L. (1989). The occurrence of decapode crustaceans associated with seagrases and mangroves in the Negombo Lagoon. Proceedings of 45th SLAAS session.  ·
  • Pinto, L., Punchihewa, N.N. (1990). Short term Effect of Denudation of Mangroves on the fish and crustaceans communities of the Negombo Lagoon. Proceedings of the International and Interdisciplinary Symposium – Ecology and Landscape Management in Sri Lanka. ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N., O’Shea, S. (2007). Mysid Habitat and diversity throughout the Auckland region: implications for conservation. Proceedings of the New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference (49). University of Waikato, Hamilton. 29th–31st August 2007.       ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N. (2008). Mysids in the Auckland region. Proceedings of the New Zealand Fresh Water Sciences Society Conference. Plymouth Hotel, New Plymouth, Taranaki. 24–27 November 2008. ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N., O’Shea, S. (2009). The effect of temperature on Life cycles, growth and mortality of two estuarine mysid species in the Auckland region. Proceedings of the New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Conference (51). University of Auckland, Auckland.  ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N., Krishnarajah, S. R., P. Vonobaba (2013). Mysid (Crustacea: Mysidacea) distribution in the Bolgoda estuarine system and Lunawa lagoon. Proceedings of the 19th session of the Sri Lanka Association for fisheries and aquatic resources, 18.16th-17th May.  ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N., Krishnarajah, S. R., Vinobaba, P. (2014). Distribution of Mysids (Crustacea: Mysidacea) in Puttalam Lagoon. Proceedings of the 20th sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for fisheries and aquatic resources, 39, 22nd May 2014.  ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N., Krishnarajah, S. R., Vinobaba, P. (2015). Distribution of Mysids (Crustacea: Mysidacea) in Negombo estuary. Proceedings of the 21st sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for fisheries and aquatic resources, 20, 22nd May 2015.  ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N. (2015). Estuarine Mysids in Sri Lanka: Implications for conservation.Proceedings of the 20th International Forestry and Environment Symposium, 17th October 2015, at Club Hotel Dolphin, Wayikkal.    ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N. (2015). Importance of marginal vegetation associated with estuarine waters in relation with the distribution of mysids (Crustacea: Mysidacea) in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Second National Marine Symposium, 17th November 2015, at Sri Lanka Foundation Institution, Colombo 7. ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N., M. P. C. Silva (2016). Feeding habits and habitat relationship of fish species associated with seagrass and mangrove vegetation in Negombo Lagoon. Proceedings of the 22nd Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for fisheries and aquatic resources, 20th May 2016. ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N; Tharangani E. M.D (2017). Ecological impact of mangrove destruction on juvenile fish populations in Negombo Lagoon. Proceedings of the 23rd Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for fisheries and aquatic resources, 26th May 2017. ·
  • W.B.W. Sandamalie., Punchihewa, N. N (2019). Investigation of species diversity and abundance of fish populations in Chilaw Lagoon. Proceedings of the 5th National Marine Symposium 24th November 2019, at BMICH. Colombo 7.   ·
  • Punchihewa, N. N., Krishnarajah, S. R. (2013). Relative importance of mysids as a food item in the diet of small fish species, Galaxias maculates and Athrinidae sp. in the Kakamatua stream, Auckland region, New Zealand. OUSL Annual Academic sessions, 445-450.

Senior Professor in Zoology

Department of Zoology
Faculty of Natural Sciences

The Open University of Sri Lanka

1.Scientific and Literary Communications Punchihewa, N. N. (2020). Urban development in coastal areas for human benefits but forgotten the Biodiversity. Wetlands of Sri Lanka, 2020, Volume 5.

2.Commissioned Reports for National/International Bodies O’Shea, S., Bellingham, T., Punchihewa, N. N. (2007).The effect of methoprene on the development mortality of two marine crustaceans. EOS-AUT Client Report: 2007/4/ Pp.37. Prepared for: Water Care Services Ltd, New Zealand.

1.NSF Award-1991-Received a Merit Award in Biological Sciences, for work on Seasonal Utilization of Mangroves and Seagrasses by juvenile fish and crustaceans in the Negombo Lagoon, Sri Lanka.

2.OUSL Research Awards- 2019-Awarded for one of the best researchers of the year 2019 in the Open University of Sri Lanka.

3.OUSL Research Awards- 2020-Awarded for one of the best researchers of the year 2020 in the Open University of Sri Lanka.

4.OUSL Research Awards- 2021-Awarded for one of the best researchers of the year 2020 in the Open University of Sri Lanka.

  • Life Member of Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science.
  • Life Member of Sri Lanka Association for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources.
  • Life member, Charted biologists, Fellow of Institute of Biology Sri Lanka.
  • Served as the Treasurer of the Zoo-net Society in year 2015
  • Served as the Treasurer of the Zoo-net Society in year 2016
  • Served as the President of the Zoo-net Society in year 2017
  • Assistant treasurer of the Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka in year 2015.
  • Council member of Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka in year 2016