Department of

Dr. K.A.J.M.Kuruppuarachchi

BSc-1985(University of Sri Jayewardenepura/SJP);M.Sc(Forestry)-1995 (SJP):P.G.Diploma in Education-1995 (The Open University of Sri Lanka/OUSL):Master of Education-1995(OUSL);P.hD-2011(OUSL +NIFS,Sri Lanka)

Senior lecturer (Grade I)

I received a B.Sc. Degree in applied science from Sri Jayawardenepura University in 1985 and a qualified M.Sc. in environmental forestry from the same institution in 1995.Additionally, I successfully completed a P.G.Dip in Education (1995) and a Master of Education (2002) from the Open University. Then I received a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) from NIFS and OUSL in 2011 in the field of tropical forest ecology and advanced environmental sciences. The Institute of Biology of Sri Lanka then awarded me the Fellowship, and became a chartered biologist. I worked as a government biology teacher, botany demonstrator, educational assistant, and senior lecturer at SJP and OUSL in botany for the last 37 years. I am a multidisciplinary person and have carried out several research in different areas such as tropical forest ecology, carbon sequestration, the psychology and counseling of university students, environmental education and literacy, etc.

I served as a chief student counselor and am currently the director of student welfare at OUSL.

Tropical forest Ecology, Forest Carbon Sequestration, Guidance and Counselling in Education

Tropical Forest Ecology and role of Carbon seqtestration; Enviormental education of different social groups; University students distress and adjustment difficulties; Multidisciplensry areas.

– Demonstrator in Botany-1985-1986 (SJP);Graduate Science Teacher(Biology)-1987-1988(Education Dept.Sri Lanka);Demonstrator in Botany -1989-1991(OUSL);Educational Assistant (Grade II, I and Senior)-1991-2005(OUSL); Lecturer in Botany-2005-2010(OUSL);Senior Lecturer II in Botany-2011-2022(OUSL);Senior Lecturer I in Botany-2017 -todate(OUSL).

32 years Open Distance Learning experience in the field of Botany.
Undergraduate level: Plant Ecology,Enviormental Science, Forest Management and its conservation,Ethics in Science and Technology.
Post Graduate level:Enviormental Education and Communication.

– Director Student Welfare-OUSL (2017-todate)
– Chef Student Counsellor-OUSL (2011-2013)
– President-Botanical Society of OUSL(2014 and 2018)
– President-United Distance Teacher’s Association(UDTA) of OUSL-2003-2006 and 2010 to 2012)

Undergraduate level: Plant Ecology, Enviormental Science, Forest Management and its conservation, Ethics in Science and Technology.

Post Graduate level: Enviormental Education and Communication.

Ongoing research works
Supervising 03 Masters students in the field of “ Environmental Education and Environmental Liturecy”

1. K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi and G. Seneviratne (2013) Carbon sequestration controlled by climatic, plant and soil parameters: Their dynamics and control of selected Sri Lankan forests. Scholar’s Press (2013-04-02): ISBN-10: 3639511727 / ISBN-13: 978-3639511727: p 180.
2. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M. (2015) Tannins, Book chapter for Sinhala Encyclopedia, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Sri Lanka. (In press)
3. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M. (2013) Tussock grasslands, Book chapter for Sinhala Encyclopedia, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Sri Lanka. (In press)
4. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M. (2013) Turbinaria, Book chapter for Sinhala Encyclopedia, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Sri Lanka. (In press)
5. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M. (2014) Biological evolution, Book chapter for Sinhala Encyclopedia volume 13, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-0353-42-2.
6. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M. (2014) Biosphere, Book chapter for Sinhala Encyclopedia volume 13, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-0353-42-2.
7. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M. (2014) Biological weapons, Book chapter for Sinhala Encyclopedia volume 13, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Sri Lanka.ISBN 978-0353-42-2.
8. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M. (2014) Bio films (Microbial), Book chapter for Sinhala Encyclopedia volume 13, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-0353-42-2.
9. Kuruppuarachchi, Janaka (2005) Environment and Your child (in Sinhala) Godage Publishes of Sri Lanka .ISBN-955-7119-4.
10. K.A.J.M.Kuruppuarachchi (2022)Basic principles in plant science of Laboratory technology /practical applications in plant Sciences in Advanced Certificate in Laboratory Technology(2022) 02 sessions.
11. K.A.J.M.Kuruppuarachchi (2021) Forest Management and its Conservation, OUSL, B.Sc degree level 5, course unit: 22 Sessions .
12. K.A.J.M.Kuruppuarachchi (2021) Practical guide, Forest Management and its Conservation (BYU 5307) course unit for Level 05, B.Sc degree programme.
13. K.A.J.M.Kuruppuarachchi (2019) Practical Botany-BZF2501 (2018): Biology III, Advanced certificate in Science,OUSL, OUSL : 13 experiments
14. Plant Ecology- (2019) : Biology III, Advanced Certificate in Science programme ,OUSL: 12 Session.
15. K.A.J.M.Kuruppuarachchi (2019)Ecology (ZYU4301 ) for Level 4,department of Zoology ,B.Sc degree ,OUSL (unit 03: ), 3 sessions.
16. K.A.J.M.Kuruppuarachchi (2019)Practical guide , Ecology (ZYU4301 ) for Level 4,department of Zoology ,B.Sc. degree ,OUSL
17. K.A.J.M.Kuruppuarachchi (2015) Environmental education and communication, Master’s degree programme /Enviormental Science, ESU OUSL: pages 22-93. ) : 5 Sessions.
18. K.A.J.M.Kuruppuarachchi (2014) Practical work guide for Master teachers of G.C.E.(A/L),Sri Lanka: Collaborative work OUSL with NSF, Sri Lanka. 08 practical lessons, Diversity amongst Bacteria, Diversity amongst Cyanobacteria, Diversity amongst Algae, Diversity amongst Fungi, Diversity amongst Broyophyta, Diversity amongst Seedless-vascular plants, Diversity amongst Seed plants.
19. K.A.J.M.Kuruppuarachchi (2014) Basic Biology. Foundation level of B.Sc degree program, OUSL (2 Sessions)
20. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M. and I.K. Rajapaksha (1993) General Biology for Wildlife Programme,The Open University of Sri Lanka.

1. Kuruppuarachchi, J.; Sayakkarage, V.; Madurapperuma, B.(2021) Environmental Literacy Level Comparison of Undergraduates in the Conventional and ODLs Universities in Sri Lanka. Sustainability, 13, 1056.
2. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M., Seneviratne, G. and Madurapperuma, B.D. (2016) Carbon sequestration in tropical forest stands: its control by plant, soil and climatic factors. Open Journal of Forestry, Scientific research, Academic Pub.USA: ISSN Print: 2163-0429, ISSN Online: April 2016 in SciRes.

1. Seneviratne, K. A. C. N., Kuruppu Arachchi, K. A. J. M., Seneviratne, G., & Premarathna, M. (2020). Zamioculcas zamiifolia novel plants with dwarf features and variegated leaves induced by colchicine. Ceylon Journal of Science, 49(2), 203–207. DOI:
2. Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. J. M. and Sayakkarage, V. (2020) Comparison of socio-economic status of undergraduates in the conventional and ODL’s universities, International Conference on Open and Innovative Education (ICOIE 2020), Hongkong, June ,2020. pp177-192
3. Kuruppuarachchi,K.A.J.M., Karunanayake,K.O.L.C.(2017) “Student characteristics and knowledge on ODL concepts at first registration: A case study from OUSL”, Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, Vol. 12 Issue: 1, pp.41-51, Permanent link to this document:
4. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M., Seneviratne,G. (2017) Microbial biofilms developed from isolates of native tree species for reforestation: A pilot study at nursery stage, Sri Lanka Forester (New volume). 2014/2015. Vol. (36&37). pp.49-58.
5.Aravinda Ravibhanu Sumanarathna, Buddhika Madurapperuma, Janaka Kuruppuarachchi, Jinadasa Katupotha, S. M.K.Abeywardhana, Pathmakumara Jayasinghe(2016) Morphological variation and speciation of Acavidae family: A case study from fossil and living species of Batadombalena cave pre-historic site in Sri Lanka, Annals of Valahia University of Targoviste. Geographical Series, 16(2): 59-68: DOI: 10.1515/avutgs-2016-0005 ISSN (Print): 2393-1485, ISSN (Online): 2393-1493
6. Madurapperuma, B.D., Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M (2016) Rehabilitating a landfill site of lowland tropical landscape into an urban green space: A case study from the Open University of Sri Lanka, International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, Elsevier pub.Vol.5(2).pp 400-410.
7. De Mel, P.K.J. and K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi (2016) High tree endemism recorded in Kanana Kanda Isolated forest fragment in wet zone of Sri Lanka, The International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation (IJAFP), Malaysia, Volume 2 , (February) ,2016
8. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M., Madurapperuma B.D (2016) Floristic composition and biomass carbon sequestration of Borella cemetery in Colombo district, Sri Lanka., The International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation (IJAFP), Volume 2 (February) ,2016
9. Madurapperuma, B.D., Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M.,Amarasinghe, J., Walpola, T. K(2016) Radical Leaning in Arboriculture: Environmental Education on Biodiversity and Forest Restoration via Exploringa Nature Tour at the IFS-Popham Arboretum in Sri Lanka; Journal of Central Environmental Authority of Sri Lanka, Vol I. Central Environmental Authority of Sri Lanka, Battaramulla,Sri Lanka.
10. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M., Seneviratne, G. and Madurapperuma, B.D. (2015) Forest carbon sequestration and its control: A comparison between a dry-mixed evergreen forest and a silviculturally managed forest in Sri Lanka. The International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation (IJAFP), Volume 1 (September) 2015.
11. Madurapperuma, B.D.; Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J. M. (2014) Detecting Land-Cover Change using Mappable Vegetation Related Indices: A Case Study from the Sinharaja Man and Biosphere Reserve, Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment Vol. 4, No 01 : 44-52 ( Full paper)
12. Nakandalage, H. A.; Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. J. M; Madurapperuma, B. D. (2014) Balancing Beams of Psychological Distress amongst First-year Students of University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Indian Journal of Research in Management, Business and Social Sciences(IJRMBSS ), eISSN: 2321-9874 , ISSN No. : 2319-6998 : Vol. 2 I Issue 1 :27-33.
13. Madurapperuma, B. D. ; Oduor, P. G. ; Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. J. M.; Wijayawardene, D. N. N. ; Munasinghe, J. U.(2013) Comparing Floristic Diversity between a Silviculturally Managed Arboretum and a Forest Reserve in Dambulla, Sri Lanka, Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment Vol. 3, No. 02 : 11-22
14. K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, G. Seneviratne and B. D. Madurapperuma (2013) Drought Induced Fine Root Growth and Canopy Green-up of Tropical Dry Zone Vegetations in Sri Lanka. Journal of Tropical Forestry and Environment. Vol. 3, No. 01: 17-23. ISSN: 2235-9370 Print / 2235-9362 Online. (Full paper)
15. K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi and G. Seneviratne (2013) Predicting Aboveground Biomass Increment of Tropical Forests from Litter-fall .Ceylon Journal of Science (Bio.Sci.) 42 (1): 35-40, 2013 DOI: (Full paper)
16. *B. D. Madurapperuma, P. G. Oduor, K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, J. U. Munasinghe and L. A. Kotchman (2012) Analysis of spatio-temporal land use/cover changes of Devils Lake Watershed using NDVI and NDWI data. The GIT4 NDM Reduce exposure to reduce risk. 4th International conference on geo-information technology for natural disaster management.7-8 November 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-616-90698-2-9.P. 24-30 (The Best paper award).
17. K.A.C.N. Senevirathne, K.G.R.A.Kandagolla, K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi and Z. JinJu (2008) Potential of replacing Agar with low cost materials of In-vitro culture of anthurium ; Floriculture research; Dept. of Nat. Bot. Garden and Sri Lanka ;Council for Agricultural Research and Policy: 98-99. Printed in 2010.
18. Seneviratne, G.,Kuruppuarachchi K.A.J.M.,Someratne, S. and C.N. Seneviratne (2006)Nutrient cycling and safty-net mechanism in the tropical Homegardens. International journal of Agricultural Research; Academic journals Inc; USA;1(2):169-182. ISBN 1816-4897 A279:
19. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.L.A, Kuruppuarachchi K.A.J.M, Wijerathne S., and S.S. Williams (2002) Psychological distress among students from five universities in Sri Lanka.The Ceylon Medical Journal, No.1, Vol.47:

1. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M.; Madurapperuma, B.D.; Seneviratne G (2018) Ecosystem carbon sequestration of different land-uses of the lowland wet zone: A case study from Waga area, Kalutara District, Sri Lanka, 2 nd international Research Symposium,1-2 February,2018, Uva Wellassa University,Badulla,Sri Lanka. (Abstract published and orally presented)
2. Aravinda Ravibhan,u Sumanarathna, Jinadasa Katupotha, Buddhika Madurapperuma, Janaka Kuruppuarachchi, Kamal Abyewardhana (2018) ICRST (2018) VII th International Conference on Researches in Science & Technology, 15-16 June 2018, Singapore At: Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore (Abstract published and orally presented)
3. Aravinda Ravibhanu Sumanarathna, Jinadasa Katupotha, Buddika Madurapperuma, Janaka Kuruppuarchchi, S.M.K.Abeywardhana (2018) Relativity of Carbonaceous Meteorites and Comet Dust for Processing Biological Composition (Micro Fossils): A Review on Metamorphic and Sedimentary Petrology of Polonnaruwa (Sri Lanka) Meteorite Stone. 5th International Conference “Geography, Environment and GIS, for students and young researchers”, Department of Geography- Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania (Abstract published and orally presented).
4. J. E. Dellysse, B. D. Madurapperuma, K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi (2017) Preliminary study on biomass mapping along the coastal zone of Hambantota region, Sri Lanka using Landsat imagery; 15th Open University Research Sessions-OURS 2017;16th &17th November,2017;The open University of Sri Lanka, Nugegoda,Sri Lanka:P.497-500. (Extended abstract published and orally presented)
5. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M.; Madurapperuma, B.D.; Seneviratne G.(2017). Floristic composition and carbon sequestration of “Indikada Mukalana” Forest Reserve , Waga, low land wet zone of Sri Lanka;22nd International Forestry and Environment Symposium, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 10th and 11th , November,2017; Tangerine Beach Hotel,Waskaduwa,Sri Lanka.P. 54 (Abstract published and oral presentation)
6. Madurapperuma,B.D.; J. E. Dellysse,J.E.; Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. J. M.; Dissanayake; G.K.P. (2017) Mapping topographic and vegetation bioshield mass recovery along the shoreline using Kite Aerial Photography,22nd International Forestry and Environment Symposium, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 10th and 11th , November,2017; Tangerine Beach Hotel,Waskaduwa,Sri Lanka. P 78. (Abstract published and oral presentation)
7. Madurapperuma, B. D. Herath, W. N., Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. J. M. (2016) Comparative study on plant diversity and their uses in home gardens of Delgoda and Kaduwela areas in Sri Lanka. OUSL Annual research symposium-2016: P83(Extended abstract published and orally presented)
8. Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. J. M., Dias, P. Kannangara, C.N. (2016) Evaluation of input of Open distance learning (ODL) processing system (PS) of the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL): detecting influential factors for registering students for B.Sc degree programme.. OUSL Annual research symposium-2016: P3(Extended abstract published and orally presented)
9. Kanthika, W. A. L. Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. J. M.,Dharmasena, M. C. M., Cooray, M .G. (2016) Dragonfly (Odonata) species diversity in different land use patterns of lowland tropical wet zone, Colombo district of Sri Lanka, 21st International Forestry and Environment Symposium, University of Sri jayawardenepura, 23rd and 24th , September 2016, Heritance Kandalama, Dambulla (Abstract published and oral presentation)
10. Madurapperuma,B. D. Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. J. M., Herath,W. N. Wijayathunga, L. Ranaweera, T. Sirimanna, R. Sumanarathna, A.(2016) Arboricultural Assessment of Street Trees in Colombo. City 21st International Forestry and Environment Symposium, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 23rd and 24th , September 2016, Heritance Kandalama, Dambulla (Abstract published and oral presentation)
11. Herath, W. N. Madurapperuma, B. D. Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. J. M. Solangaarachchi, D. I. K.(2016) Small Household Resilience Gardens in Delgoda, Gampaha District: An Ethnobotanical Perspective,WIN C, Wayamba International Conference, Wayamba university-Sri Lanka, 19th-20th Augest,2016, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka.
12. Madurapperuma, B.D., Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M. (2016) Urban greenness survey in Colombo City of Sri Lanka: Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approach, International Education Week; Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA 95521, USA .Feb. 15-19, 2016.(Abstract published/Orally presented).
13. Kuruppuarachchi,K.A.J.M., Madurapperuma B.D (2016) Floristic composition and biomass carbon sequestration of Borella cemetery in Colombo district, Sri Lanka, 2nd Kuala Lumpur International Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Abstract published/ orally presented).
14. De Mel, P.K.J. and K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi (2016) High tree endemism recorded in Kanana Kanda Isolated forest fragment in wet zone of Sri Lanka, 2nd Kuala Lumpur International Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation Conference, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia (Abstract published/ Orally presented).
15. K. A. J. M. Kuruppearachchi, P.U.N.K. Tissera, Nirmalie Kannangara, P. Dias (2015) Evaluation of the first year practical component in Botany in the B. Sc degree programme of OUSL: Student and staff perceptions. OUSL Annual research conference-2015,(published the extended abstract, orally presented).
16. B.D. Madurapperuma and K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi (2015) Assessment of green space in the Colombo city liaisons with GIS and in-situ data; IPURSE-2015, International research symposium, University of Peradeniya (Poster presentation & Abstract publish)
17. B.D. Madurapperuma and K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi (2015) Crown/Tree Cover of Viharamahadevi Park, Colombo, The Institute of Biology Sri Lanka, Proceedings of 35th Annual Sessions, 25th September, 2015, Colombo, ISSN: 2012-8924, Page 18. (Oral presentation & Abstract publish)
18. B.D. Madurapperuma, K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi, J. Amarasinghe and T. K. Walpola (2015) Radical Leaning in Arboriculture: Environmental Education on Biodiversity and Forest Restoration via Exploringa Nature Tour at the IFS-Popham Arboretum in Sri Lanka; First National Symposium of Environmental Management and Planning; Central Environmental Authority of Sri Lanka, 24rd February 2015,Water’s Edged, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka(Abstract publish and Oral Presentation)
19. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M., Madurapperume B.D, Seneviratne G.(2015) Soil organic carbon and floristic composition relationships: A simple model using Principle Factor Analysis and regression analysis; RISTCON -2015; Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference,22-23rd January,2015, University of Ruhuna,Matara, Sri Lanka, (Oral Presentation and abstract published)
20. B.D. Madurapperuma, K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi and T.K. Walpola (2014) A Multi-scale assessment of invasive plants in Sri Lanka – A Literature review; National symposium on Invasive plants (IAS-2014), GEF/UNDP IAS project; Ministry of Enviorment and Renewable Energy and Uni. of Kelaniya,Sri Lanka. 27th November, 2014. (Oral Presentation and abstract published)
21. K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, B. C. Gunerathne (2014) Student Perceptions on newly introduced Continuous Assessment Test (CAT) System for Faculty of Natural Sciences, OUSL: An Action research. Annual Academic Sessions – 2014, The Open University of Sri Lanka (Oral presentation and publish of Extended abstract)
22. K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi, Mel , B.N.P.Singhekumara and B.D. Madurapperuma (2014) Comparison of carbon pools and plant species contribution for carbon sequestration among three forests of Sri Lanka,19th International Forestry and Environment Symposium ,Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura , 24th – 25th October, 2014 , Aliya Resort and Spa, Sigiriya, Sri Lanka (Abstract publish and paper presentation).
23. K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi, B.D.Madurapperume and G.Seneviratne(2014) Factors controlling plant biomass carbon sequestration in tropical forests of Sri Lanka, 19th International Forestry and Environment Symposium ,Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura , 24th – 25th October, 2014 , Aliya Resort and Spa, Sigiriya, Sri Lanka (Abstract publish and paper presented).
24. B. D. Madurapperuma,D.M.D.Yakandawala, C.V.S. Gunatillake,K.A.J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, and T. K. Walpola (2014) Comparison of Land-use/Cover Change in the Lower Walawe Basin Before and After the Irrigation Extension Project , The Technical Sessions of the 34th Annual Sessions of Institute of Biology of Sri Lanka, 26th September, 2014 at Sri Lanka (Oral presentation and abstract published).
25. K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi, S.U. Kuruppuarachchi and B.D. Madurapperuma(2014) Should Domestic Gardens Lead to Ethnobotanical Gardens or Green Infrastructure, Wayamba International Conference (WinC -2014) , 29th and 30th August, 2014 (poster presentation and abstract published).
26. K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, G. Seneviratne, and B. D. Madurapperuma (2014) Dynamics of litterfalll and floor litter in selected dry and wet zone forests of Sri Lanka. Peradeniya university international research sessions (IPURSE);4th and 5th July, 2014. University of Peradeniya (oral presentation and abstract publish).
27. B. D. Madurapperuma, P. G. Oduor, S. G. Jenkins, B. C. Pijanowski, L. A. Kotchman, M. A. Kangas, and K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi (2014) Variation of leaf spectral signatures: Comparison four genera of mixed forest trees.Peradeniya university international research sessions (IPURSE);4th and 5th July, 2014. University of Peradeniya (poster presentation and abstract published).
28. Madurapperuma, B.D.; Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M. (2013) Change detection using mappable vegetation related indices: A case study from Sinharaja forest reserve. 18th International Forestry and Environment Symposium ,Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura , 10th – 11th January, 2014 ,At MAS Fabric Park, Thulhiriya, Sri Lanka (Abstract published and paper presented).
29. H. A. Nakandalage, K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, B. D. Madurapperuma(2013)Perceived Distress in College: Problem in Adjustment in a Social and Cultural Context. the 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences(ICSS).The University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka on 22nd – 23rd November 2013 (Abstract published and presented paper).
30. D.Wijerathna, W. J.Nimanthika , K.A.J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, and B.D. Madurapperuma (2013) Floristic Diversity of OUSL premises, Proceedings of 33nd annual sessions of the institute of biology of Sri Lanka, 27th September,2014.Sri Lanka ISSN 2012-8924, P 20.
31. K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, G. Seneviratne, Buddhika Madurapperuma , Peter Oduor (2013) Are Dry Zone Forests More Sensitive to Climatic Vulnerability than Wet Zone Forests? Annual meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists 2013, Duluth, Minnesota, USA. June 2-6, 2013. (poster and abstract published)
32.Madurapperuma B. D, P.G. Oduor, L.A. Kotchman and K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi (2013) Ecological Influences Associated with Non-native Dominance at the Riparian Forest Fringe, Annual meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists 2013 , Duluth, Minnesota, USA. June 2-6, 2013. (Orally presented and Abstract published)
33. Madurapperuma B. D, P.G. Oduor, L.A. Kotchman and K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi (2013) Versatility Of Web-Based Mapping Platforms For Non-Gis Professionals , 5th Annual Graduate Student Research and Arts Forum, North Dakota State University. USA. April 11,2013. P18. (Paper presented and abstract published)
34. Madurapperuma B. D, P.G. Oduor, L.A. Kotchman and K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi (2013) Pixel-Wise Transition Models To Detect Forest Cover Dynamic In Mclean County In North Dakota , 5th Annual Graduate Student Research and Arts Forum, North Dakota State University.USA. April 11,2013. P19. (Paper presented and abstract published)
35. H. A. Nakandalage. K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, B. D. Madurapperuma and P. G. Oduor (2013) Psychological distress and associated factors of first year students of the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Ties that Bind: Methods of Social Research, NDSU Memorial Union, USA. March 1, 2013. (Paper presented and abstract published)
36. K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi , G. Seneviratne , B. D. Madurapperuma and P. G. Oduor (2013) Turnover rates of soil organic carbon fractions determine carbon sequestration potential of tropical forests in Sri Lanka. North Dakota Academy of Science.Proceedings of the 105th Annual meeting. Proceedings of North Dakota Academy of Science, USA Vol..67, 2013 (ISBN 0096-9214).
37. B.D. Madurapperuma; K.A.JH.M.Kuruppuarachchi; J.U.Munasinghe and G.senevirathne (2013) Evaluating temporal changes of vegetation using at Mihintale Divisional Secretariat in Sri Lanka; Frist National Conference on Livelihoods Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services ;Biodiversity Secretariat ,Ministry of Environment and Renewable Energy and IUCN;26-27th Septermber,2013:Sri Lanka Foundation Institute,Colombo.31- 34. (oral presentation and extended abstract published)
38. K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, G. Seneviratne and B. D. Madurapperuma (2012) Drought induced fine root growth and canopy green-up of tropical dry zone vegetation in Sri Lanka. 17th international forestry and environment symposium, 2012.Department of forestry and Environmental science, university of Sri Jayewardenepura. 16th-17th November 2012, Pegasus reef hotel, Sri Lanka. ISSN: 2235-9397. P.1 (Abstract published and paper presented).
38. B. D. Madurapperuma, P. G. Oduor , K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, J. U. Munasinghe and L. A. Kotchman (2012) Analysis of spatio-temporal land use/cover changes of Devils Lake Watershed using NDVI and NDWI data. The GIT4 NDM Reduce exposure to reduce risk. 4th International conference on geo-information technology for natural disaster management.7-8 November 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Poster presented (The Best poster awards).
38(b) B. D. Madurapperuma, P. G. Oduor , K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, J. U. Munasinghe and L. A. Kotchman (2012) Seedling Recruitment at a Dry zone Forest Arboretum of Sri Lanka;Annual Academic Session-2012,The Open University of Sri Lanka.p.40-51 (Oral presentation and Extended Abstract published)
39. N. Weeraratne, J. Kuruppuarachchi, G.Seneviratne (2012) Effect of microbial inoculated to selected forest trees at nursery. Proceedings of 32nd annual sessions of the institute of biology of Sri Lanka, 28th September 2012: ISSN: 2012-8924 p. 25 (Abstract published and paper presented).
40. Kuruppuarachchi, Janaka M., Madurapperuma,Bushika .D., Seneviratne,Gamini.& Oduor,Peter.G.(2012). Physical parametric influences on carbon sequestration at a tropical eco-climatic zone. Proceedings of 9th Annual Northern Plains Biological Symposium, April 19th 2012, North Dakota State University, p. 9. (Abstract published and poster presented).
41. Madurapperuma, B.D., Wijayawardene, D.N.N., Oduor, P. G. , K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi (2012).Why partnering with a local community in the context of forest resource management can increase success rates? .Ties that Bind: Research Methods in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, March 2, 2012 in the NDSU Memorial Union.USA (Abstract published and paper orally presented).
42.B. D. Madurapperuma, J. U. Munasinghe, K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi (2012)Land cover change detected using multi-temporal satellite images in Dambulla, North central province, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 32nd annual sessions of the institute of biology of Sri Lanka, 28th September 2012: ISSN: 2012-8924 p. 26 (Abstract published and paper presented).
43. B. D. Madurapperuma, P. G. Oduor , K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi, J. U. Munasinghe and L. A. Kotchman (2012) Critical Analysis of land use/cover changes of Devils LakeWatershed, 2nd Annual poster session & recruitment fair, November 2nd,2012. Environmental & Conservation Sciences Graduate Program, North Dakota State University.USA ((Paper published and Poster presented).
44.Madurapperuma, B.D., Oduor, P.G., Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. J. M., Munasinghe, J.U. &Wijayawardene, D.N.N. (2012) Seedling Recruitment at a Dry zone Forest Arboretum of Sri Lanka;Annual Academic Session-2012,The Open University of Sri Lanka.p.48-51 ISSN 2012-9912 (Oral presentation and Extended Abstract published)
45. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M., Somerathne, S., Madurapperuma, B.D.,Talagala, I.M.M. (2012). Factors associated with psychological distress among B.Sc. undergraduates of the Open University of Sri Lanka. Annual Academic Sessions 2012, The Open University of Sri Lanka. The Open University of Sri Lanka.27-28 February,2013. P. 52-55. ISSN 2012-9912
46. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M., Somerathne, S., Madurapperuma, B.D.,Talagala, I.M.M. (2012). Stressful events and solutions: A case study with B.Sc. undergraduates of the Open University of Sri Lanka. Annual Academic Sessions 2012, The Open University of Sri Lanka.27-28 February,2013. P.56-59. ISSN 2012-9912
47. Kuruppuarachchi J., Senevirathne, G., Madurapperuma, B.D. & Oduor, P. G. (2011).Carbon stock and fluxes of two selected forest sanctuaries.Proceedings of the global partnership for plant conservation (GPPC), July 5- 7, Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis, Missouri, USA.
47(b) K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi , G. Senevirathne, M.A.A.B.Dillhan, P.G. Oduor, P. G. (2011) Determination of Carbon Stocks at a Tropical Eco-ClimaticZone;Proceedings of Global Partnership for Plant Conservation(GPPC);Missonary Botanical Garden;USA; 5-7,July,2011.
48. Kuruppuarachchi, K. A. J. M.; Senevirathne, G. (2011) Carbon stocks in selected dry and wet zone forests of Sri Lanka, 16th International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2011;Organized by department of forestry and environmental science, university of Sri Jayawardenepura; 28th to 29th October ,2011; Golden Rose Recreation Complex; Colombo Sri Lanka. (Paper presented and abstract published).
49. Madurapperuma, Buddhika D., D. N. N. Wijayawardene, J. U. Munasinghe & K. A. J. M. Kuruppuarachchi (2010). Integration of traditional knowledge or ethno forestry practices in the context of resource management an ethnological prospective. Proceedings of 3rd International symposium and technical session, 26th- 28th August, Sabaragamua University of Sri Lanka. (the best presentation award).
50. K.A.C.N. Senevirathne, K.G.R.A.Kandagolla, K.A.J.M. Kuruppuarachchi and Z. JinJu (2008) Potential of replacing Agar with low cost materials of In-vitro culture of anthurium ; Floriculture research; Dept. of Nat. Bot. Garden and Sri Lanka ;Council for Agricultural Research and Policy: 98-99. Printed in 2010.
51.Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.L.A. and Kuruppuarachchi K.A.J.M. (1999) “Study on Emotional Distress among Sri Lanken University students” 112th Annual AC. Sec. Of SLMA Kandy Sri Lanka. (Paper presented and abstract published)
52.Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M. and H.S. Amarasekara (1995) “Wood anatomy and Identification of some Important Timber Species found in Sri Lanka”.Institute of Biology of Sri Lanka. (Paper presented and abstract published)
53. Kuruppuarachchi, K.A.J.M. and H.S. Amarasekara (1995) “On the differentiation of Genus Mesua L. using wood Anatomical features”. Institute of Biology of Sri Lanka (Paper presented and abstract published).

Research Supervision (Degree awarded):
I. V Sayakkarage (414387943),Master of Science degree in Environmental Sciences of The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nugegoda. 2015/2016.
Title: Perceptions of university students on major environmental issues in Sri Lanka: A case study from the Open University of Sri Lanka and the University of Peradeniya.
II. P.Hemadila: Master of Master of Science degree in Environmental Sciences of The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nugegoda. 2020/2021.Title: Comparison of the Literacy level on major environmental issues of the G.C.E(A/L) students of different disciplines in Kandy Districts.
III. R M M P M Rajanayaka, Reg No: 117134862). Master of Master of Science degree in Environmental Sciences of The Open University of Sri Lanka, Nugegoda. 2020/2021.Title:Enviormental literacy of defense personal on major environmental issues with special reference to Sr Lanka.
IV. H. Nakandenage. P.G. Diploma in community medicine, faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. 2010/2011.
Title: Study on psychological distress among first year undergraduates of University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

External/Foreign examiner of Postgraduate Thesis/ Dissertations.
I. Ph.D thesis: Faculty of Science and Humanities, Anna University, Chennai, India (2015)
II. M.Sc thesis- Forestry and Environmental Science (2013): Department of forestry and environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka.
III. M.Sc thesis-Environmental Science (2013) Center for environmental studies and sustainable development (CESSD) of the Open University of Sri Lanka

International collaborative works.
Collaborative Research project carried out on “The important role of environmental education to understand the climate change concepts reported on media” with 03 Brazilian universities: Universidae Estadual de Campinas(UNICAMP),Univarsidade Fedaral do Parana(UFPR) and Universidade Federal de Sao paulo(UNIFESP) from 2020-2021

I. Steering committee member: National Drug prevention and poverty elevation programme of Sri Lanka, Presidential task post 2016/2017 to date.

II. Steering committee member: IUCN –RED++, Organization of The International Research Symposium on Valuation of Ecosystems and Their Services, REDD+, IUCN, Sri Lanka, August to October,2016 to date

III. Chief Adviser: Environmental conservation and tree planting program for Mahaweli System “H” zone, Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka. (2011-2013).

IV. Project leader: “greening OUSL” tree planting program and making model forest plot at The Open university of Sri Lanka. (2010 to 2013).

Annual research awards-2016 by The Open University of Sri Lanka

Chartered Biologist (C.Biol) and fellow (F.I.Biol) of the Institute of Biology (IOB), Sri Lanka