Department of

Ms. J. M. U. D. Wijerathne

Bachelor of Science (Specialization in Mathematics) (Eastern University, Sri Lanka)

Demonstrator in Mathematics

Department of Mathematics
Numerical Analysis

• Wijerathne, J. M. U. D., Elango, P. (2022). Study of RL-Separation Axioms. J. Ramanujan
Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 9(2), 199 – 206

• Wijerathne, J. M. U. D., Elango, P. (2020). Study of RL-Connectedness and RL- Compactness.
Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science, 35(1), 117-123

• Wijerathne, J. M. U. D., Elango, P. (2021). On Regular Locally Closed Sets.
Annual Research Session 2021, Faculty of Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka