Department of

Ms. P.P.D.C.Perera

B.Sc. (University of Colombo, SL), M.Sc. in Environmental Science (University of Colombo, SL), MPhil Environmental Archaeology (University of Kelaniya, SL)

Senior lecturer (Grade II)

I was graduated from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka receiving a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1985 and served as a Temporary Demonstrator in the University, until assumed duties as a Temporary Demonstrator in the Department of Botany at the Open University of Sri Lanka, in 1986. I was subsequently appointed to a permanent position – as an Educational Assistant in 1988 and after obtaining Post Graduate degrees, namely Master of Science in Environmental Science and Master of Philosophy in Environmental Archaeology, was promoted to the post of Senior Lecturer Grade II in 2017.

Environmental Science

Environmental Science, Environmental Archaeology, ODL

Undergraduate- B. Sc. Degree
BYU5301 – Plant pathology
BYU5318 – Environmental Studies

Diploma in Environmental Science – Planet earth and its Environment
Dip. in Laboratory Technology – Management and Safety
Laboratory Techniques in Biology

Research Grants:


Identification of bioactive compounds that repels exo-prarasitic insects in canine from the Curcuma longa L

Funding source: Faculty Research Grant 2018



Chemical characterization of bioactive compounds that repels exo-prarasitic insects in canine from the

Curcuma longa L. 

Funding source: Faculty Research Grant 2019

Herath T.R, Somaratne S and Perera P.P.D.C Common Vegetables of Sri Lanka, National Resource Energy and Science Authority of Sri Lanka (1994).

P.P.D.C.Perera and W.D.Ratnasooriya (1997). Adverse effects of propanil on pregnancy outcomes of rats, Med.Sci. Res,.25 319-322.

 Senadheera P and Perera P (2011). Plant Bioindicators (A review), Proceedings of the National Mini Symposium on Bio indicators of Environment Health and Biodiversity Indices Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science, 316 (ISBN:978-955-8341-26-10)

Senadheera, P., Kumarasinghe, M., Perera, P., Watthewidanage, J.W., Weerasinghe T. K., (2016). Identification of User-Friendly Bioinformatics Tools for Courses in Open and Distance Learning. International Journal on Open and Distance e-Learning, 2(2)

Senadheera P, Kulasekara G, Perera P, Watthewidana J, Seneviratne M.A.P. K, Mahanama D, Liyanage L Senadheera S. and Coomaraswamy U. Livelihood improvement of rural agricultural society in Sri Lanka through development of lifelong learning in farmers. 26th Annual Conference of Asian Association of Open Universities, October 2012, Chiba, Japan.

Senadheera P, Menke J.M.D.R. and Perera P. Innovative Teaching in plant Physiology Course to Induce Deep Learning Approach in Students in Open and Distance Learning System, 26th Annual Conference of Asian Association of Open Universities, October 2012, Chiba, Japan.

Senadheera P, Kulasekara g, Perera P, watthewidana J,Seneviratne M.A.P.K, Liyanage L, Mutual Knowledge empowerment process of the lifelong learning based community development approach: a framework for assessing the agriculture related indigenous knowledge International Conference of Indian Distance Education Association 2013, Hyderabad,India.

Senadheera P, Kulasekara.G.U, Watthewidanage J, Perera P.P.D.el al., Capacity Building of agriculture extension officers and farmers in ICT skills to minimize the digital divide and construct a sustainable social learning capital capable of using ICT for knowledge acquisition and sharing. Pan Commonwealth Forum 2013.Nigeria.

Senadheera, P., Kumarasinghe, M., Perera, P., Watthewidanage, J.W., Perera al M-learning for empowering women in a farming community in Sri Lanka by facilitating lifelong learning, 30thannual conference of the Asian association of Open Universities. (2016) Philippines.

Wattevidanage J, Prasad Senadheera, Pathirage .P.D.C. Perera, Deric R. Kulathunge Identification of extracts responsible for the effectof tcik repelling activity of turmeric (2022) Open Journal of Applied Science, pp51-58.

Perera.P.P.D.C. (2014) A record of phytolith morphotypes from wild and domesticated bananas in Sri Lanka. Workshop on Plaeno-Anthropological Perspectives on plant Communities in Asia, Pondicherry, India

Perera.P.P.D.C. (2018) A record of Modern Musa Banana Phytoliths Morphology.An International workshop on Wetland palaeoecology and integrated microscopy approaches in archaeo-botany- Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology-Sri Lanka.

Examiner/Dissertations – 2019

Master of Philosophy Degree in Archaeology-Post Graduate institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya

Master of Science Degree in Archaeology – Post Graduate institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya

Master of Arts (by research) Degree in Archaeology – Post Graduate institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya


Examiner/Dissertations – 2019

Master of Science Degree in Archaeology – Post Graduate institute of Archaeology, University of Kelaniya

Life member of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)

Life member of the Institute of Biology Sri Lanka (IOBSL)