Department of

Ms. S. Thulasi

B.Sc (Jaffna); M.Phil (Peradeniya)

Lecturer (Probationary)

Department of Chemistry

I graduated in 2010 with First Class (Hons) in B.Sc. Special Degree in Chemistry from the University of Jaffna. I joined the Natural Products Chemistry Research Group at the National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy and obtained my MPhil Degree from the Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya in 2017. I started my academic career as a Lecturer in 2015 at The Open University of Sri Lanka.

Organic Chemistry

Natural products chemistry, Biological activity studies on Endophytic fungi from medicinal plants, Value addition to natural products

Ongoing Research:

Identification of bioactive secondary metabolites from the endophytic fungi isolated from the fruits, leaves and the seeds of Syzygium cumini

  • Sritharan T., Kumar N.S. and Jayasinghe L. “Bioactive secondary metabolites from an endophyte isolated from the fruit of Carica Papaya”, Proceedings of the PGIS congress, University of Peradeniya, 2015. (Page 99).


  • Sritharan T., Kumar N.S. and Jayasinghe L. “Isocoumarins and Dihydroisocoumarins from an Endophytic fungi isolated from the fruits of Averrhoa carambola”, Proceedings of the iPURSE, University of Peradeniya, Vol.19, 2015. (Page 359)


  • Thangarajah T., Senthilnanthanan M. and Balasubramanium K. “Reducing Hygroscopic nature of Gymnemic acid by esterfication”, 19th Annual Sessions of Jaffna Science Association (JSA), Vol.19, No.1, 2012. (Page 18).

Research fellowship awarded by National Research Council, Sri Lanka – 2013-2015

Sir. Arunachalam Mahadeva Memorial Prize, best performance in Honours degree in Chemistry, University of Jaffna, SriLanka – 2008

M. Varatharajah Memorial Prize, best performance in first examination in Science, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka – 2005