Faculty of

Advanced Certificate in Laboratory Technology

The aim of the Advanced certificate in Laboratory Technology programme is to provide a basic scientific knowledge and training needed for employees in laboratories of government and private sector and to provide necessary qualifications to any interest …

Duration : Minimum 1 year
Course Fee : Rs. 26,700.00
Next Intake :

Advanced Certificate in Science programme (ACS)

Download Guidebook The Advanced Certificate in Science Programme  (ACS) is designed to encourage those without the basic entry qualifications to pursue higher studies in Bachelor of Degree, Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BIT) and  Bachelor of Indu …

Duration : one year for (Science students); 2 Years (for non-Science students)
Course Fee : LRK 1,240/= per credit
Next Intake : August 2023

Advance Certificate in Wildlife Conservation and Management

Advance Certificate in Wildlife Conservation and Management progarmme is a one year study programme involving courses related to wildlife biology, ecology, conservation and management, wildlife study techniques and filed craft, wildlife case studies and a compulsory research project.

Duration : Minimum of 1 year
Course Fee : LKR 21,000/=
Next Intake : Will be informed soon